#6: Gift • Dream

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Lemony Limes. hello, as you read this chapter, you'll find out that I was held in a Yggdrasil prison cell for trespassing their base. yes, I'm wearing my party suit. I forgot to tell you, crashing to a party without an invitation is a big mistake. don't do that even if you dare.

Yggdrasil in the Norse mythology means it is the tree of life but here in the Tekken Universe, it means it's a rebel army of Tekken Force. see Tekken 6 Scenario Campaign for more details.

the Yggdarsil is now a complete and stable military and company after the war. it's like Uncle Sam saying "I want you to join the army!" but in this reality, it's a poster showing Lars saying "I want you to join Yggdrasil!"

my name is Lemony Limes, and I'll be here in my jail cell for a while...
don't worry, as I spend time here, the story never ends... there's a lot of juicy stories happening out there, so keep reading. oh, and one more thing... back away while you still can...


Yoshimitsu is sitting while drinking his tea, having conversation with someone.

Yoshimitsu: I've never been asked that question before, besides... I never experienced those kind of things. as warrior and leader of the Manji Clan, I'm afraid I can't help you... daughter of Dr. Bosconovitch...

Alisa: I see... pardon for me for wasting your time.

Yoshimitsu: and by the way, why you did not asked your father about it? he's wiser than me.

Alisa: well, he can't describe the right words either.

Yoshimitsu: I see... I bid you farewell, young one.

they both bowed to each other and Alisa take her leave.


Alisa: sorry for bringing you guys all of a sudden. this is urgent.

Xiaoyu: it's okay! don't worry about it!

Asuka: anything to our friend!

Miharu: yeah!

Lili: so... what's this all about?

they're all gathered at a large table near the ice cream shop. Alisa held a meeting for she was in panic, but not too much panic. but why is Alisa is in panic? here's why...

Alisa: it's... Lars's birthday... tomorrow.


Alisa: I know, I know. it's just... I don't know what to give to him.

Miharu: I didn't know you two are a couple now.

Alisa: (blushing) no, no. we're not a couple. I just... wanted to give something to him. that's all.

Xiaoyu: I was surprised. I thought you two are dating.

Asuka: yeah.

Lili: I see... you just wanted a perfect gift for him? I'll---

Asuka: I don't think expensive things is not Lars's thing.

Xiaoyu: I'm sorry about to say this, but she's right, Lili.

Miharu: and besides, Lars is a half blood Mishima, right? the Mishima got everything they want and they need.


all of them sighed.

Xiaoyu: we're so sorry, Alisa.

Miharu: yeah, we wanna help you but---

Lili: ---as far as we know, Mishima men are not the easiest people to buy birthday presents for.

Asuka: I agree. all we can do for you is... hope.

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