#1: Reunited • Rekindled

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Lemony Limes: the following events takes in an alternate distant future where the Mishima's cursed bloodline is already gone which means no more devils. we get to see the softer and comedic sides of the Tekken characters, they live normally here and no more fighting (well... there's actually fighting included somehow). no war, just peace. just a slice of life ecchi adventures. it's just like you're watching a certain Netflix show with romantic and erotic themes.

in this story, it tells Jun and Kazuya. they are well known to their complicated relationship due to the supernatural forces that separates them apart. but now, here, they were reunited after the events of blood and war.


one night, Jun was just finished going to the market to buy some food. she was walking and passes by a restaurant and saw Kazuya and Anna, eating together. Kazuya catch a glimpse of her and his eyes widened. he look outside and she was suddenly gone mixed in the crowd, so many people.

Kazuya immediately go outside of the restaurant and find her but she was never seen again. Anna came outside as well.

Anna: hey, is something wrong?

Kazuya: nothing... I thought I saw someone.

Anna: let me guess. it's her?

Kazuya didn't speak.

Anna: I see... it is her...

Kazuya: let's head back and finish our discussion...

and so they head back to the restaurant. little did they know, Jun was hiding on an alley, listening to them.


Jun came from work. her face is red and somehow drunk. she was drunk because it's her work mate's birthday and they have a celebration after a day of work. Jun wasn't even a fan of drinking, she just got carried away.

Jun: (hiccups) I'M HOOOMMMEEE!!! (hiccups)

Jun removes her shoes and wears slippers, she put her coat on the hanging rack and headed for the kitchen and rest her head on the table, and then she found a note.

'dear mom,
I'm sorry I wasn't at home tonight. I'm at Xiaoyu's. we have a group study with Asuka, Lili, and Miharu. there's some instant ramen on the food storage.
-from Jin with love.'

Jun: jeez... but I'm glad, Jin is making friends... but I'm alone again!

Jun opens up a bottle of sake and keep drinking.

Jun: ara ara, times fly by. my little Jin is growing up (drinks) soon, he'll get married and have kids while me... I'll be alone my whole life (hiccups)

Jun can't help but to cry.

Jun: (sniffs) I'll grow old alone... haha... what am I thinking anyways? (sighs)

Jun heard a ring on the doorbell.

Jun: jeez. I wonder who could (hiccups) that be...

Jun opens the door.

Jun: who is it? huh?

Jun was surprised when she saw someone standing on the front door. it's her old lover, Kazuya Mishima, wearing his formal outfit.

Kazuya: huh

Jun: huh

• • •

Jun: (pointing at Kazuya) HAH! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!

Kazuya scratched his head.

Kazuya: I-I just wanna check on you...

Jun: since when do you care?! you never call us! never visit! never send mails and emails!

TEKKEN: Love, Life & Lemons (TEKKEN FANFIC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя