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                   Victor lifted his wrist from his side and pulled the sleeve on his left wrist up. Looking at his watch he grimaced. It was 9:00 PM already and he had not been able to find Main Hall A yet. Which was where he was told, by the maid at the front, where he would find his table. Its number was 43. Yet without finding the Hall he would not see his table or the people he was supposed to be with tonight.

                    As he walked back down the hallway, which had been the fourth or fifth now. He turned the corner which would place him right back where he started. The large open space at the entrance. But instead of being able to keep walking, he bumped into someone out of nowhere.

                     He stumbled and lost his balance once doing so. Unconsciously, he held to whatever he could. Which ended up being the person he bumped into.

                    "S-Sorry," Victor said unsteadily. He had not understood why he was stuttering all of a sudden.

                      He looked up and stepped back in a hurry. He was locking eyes with a steady pair of dark red ones with a gold hue that seemed to twinkle. A tall man, about six foot six or more? And a vampire of the New Generation.

                    "Careful there now. Can't walk into every wall." Said the man Victor had bumped into accidentally.

                      His own comment must have amused him because a smile and chuckle followed it. Victor though had scowled a bit at the man. Dusting off his front and straightening his dress jacket. Then he eyed the man with suspiciousness and curiosity in his eyes.

                      He had a nice head of hair, cut short and of a raven black. Well slicked with gel along with the faintest scent of something sweet. With the nose of a vampire, it was easy for Victor to smell that coming from this man. A strawberry scent to be exact.

                       Studying the guy for a moment further. Still having not said a word yet, he gave the man a smile and nodded.

                     "Thank you for steading me." He said. But before he made the move to walk away he realized he could ask this person where Main Hall A was.

                       He had turned away partly but then faced the man once more. Strange enough he was still looking at Victor. With quite an odd look in his eyes. One that made his heart twinge and caused him to blink a few times after feeling dizzy of some sort.

                       Recollecting himself he came before the man once more. Cleared his throat and spoke. "Do you perhaps know where I could find Main Hall A?" Victor asked.

                       Trying to shake the wave of awkwardness he felt coming over him. While they stood in the centre area near the entrance. Where the maid and butler had a while ago stopped letting in people. Everyone who was to arrive must have arrived.

                       The man smiled at Victor, which seemed to shift into a smirk. In turn, he only received a firm glare from Victor that said. 'Don't you fuckin try me.'

                       The man then held up his hands as if to surrender. While then responding with, "Yes, of course. Please. Follow me." His hands returned to his sides as he led the way.

                       As Victor followed him he began to pick out more of the fine details of this fellow. Not walking behind him but rather at the same pace as the man. With a peek from his peripheral vision, he studied the one on his right further.

                       He had one of those exact same name tag stickers on his dress coat but nothing was written on it. The full suit he wore with matching pants was all black with golden highlights here and there. A few golden lines were down at the cuffs of his jacket. With his tie matching that of the entire suit. Black but covered in more defined golden prints. Most like yellow which one would call golden depending on its tone. It was quite the look and he wore it well and confidently.

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