Chapter 14 - Outcasts

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A while had passed since everything happened, and Carl and have become closer than ever, we never leave each other's sides, we had also been at war with the governor and took in all the residents of Woodbury. Carls's dad had brought them back, but Carl and I didn't really see eye to eye with them. They had no idea how to survive in this world as we did. They needed us to protect them. They were nothing but a waste of space, the lot of them.

"Sam," Carl called out from the bottom bunk.

"Yeah," I responded.

"You want to go and help with the pigs today?"

"Ewww." I laughed and he let out a loud groan. "Fine"

Carl laughed excitedly. I wasn't so keen on the idea but if it was what he wanted then I didn't mind going along with it.

Once we got down there Rick noticed that the pigs were sick.

"What'll happen to them?" Carl questioned.

"We'll have to kill them." Rick sighed.
Just then Mika and Lizzy came out of the cell block screaming.

"Help!" "Help!" They ran waving their arms about and we all rushed over to them.

Once inside the cell block, we saw people screaming and frantically trying to escape while others were pinned down and being torn apart by the walkers, which were quickly killed by Rick and a few others.

Half of the cell block had been wiped out and it wasn't over yet, there was an illness going around and it was dangerous. Carl and I along with the rest of the kids had to isolate ourselves away from the others and Carl had to isolate herself from Judith, he was upset about this I could tell, but I did my best to keep him occupied.


"You ever think about what it would be like to just leave?" Carl asked. The question shocked me. Leave his family? Leave our family? I'd never thought about that before the idea just didn't seem right to me.

"Not really. What would we do without them." I responded.

"I think I would be just fine without them." He shrugged.

"Something happen?"

"I'm just sick of them treating us like we're useless!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we're not allowed to do anything, they think that they can just do everything and that we're weak and can't help just like all the other kids here. I'm not even allowed to use a gun." I didn't respond to that. I couldn't. he's not wrong. but they do a lot for us and they try their hardest but I think that they just want to protect us.

"Night Carl." I sighed.

When I woke in the morning my throat was sore and I had a bit of a cough. I tried to brush it off but then I remembered what had happened yesterday and I released what I had to do. I had to go find Shane. I pulled my t-shirt over my mouth so that I wouldn't risk spreading it to others.

"Sam?" Carl murmured.

"I'll be back, I'm just going to see Shane," I answered. I didn't know if I'd be back but I just decided to tell him what he would want to hear, he doesn't need to know.

I approached Shane's cell and reached my head around the corner.
"Shane," I whispered.

"You okay Sami?" He answered.

"I think-" I stopped, not wanting the words to come out of my mouth. "I think I've got it?"

"Got what?" He questioned. I think he knew what I meant.

"It." I coughed. "The sickness."

Shane took me to a place where everyone else infected was staying. "You'll be okay you know." He tried to reassure me. " we have a doctor who'll take care of you."

I was placed inside and the door was closed. I was alone again. I began to feel weak and dizzy so I went to go lay on the bed.

~carls POV~

When I woke up Sami still wasn't back. It had been at least a few hours if not more. I went to go look for her and saw Shane on the way. "Have you seen Sam?" I asked him.

"She's in the sick cells." He answered before walking away. Sami was sick. With the same thing that killed Patrick? I thought we were safe from it. I wanted to keep the thought of what could happen out of my head and so I decided to help my dad out in the farm.

~Samantha's pov~
When I woke up my head was aching. I was still in the dark,damp cell I had fallen asleep in, unfortunately,  Hershel had came in to check up on me earlier but his main focus was on Glenn who had came in not too much longer and me and his condition was deteriorating at a much quicker pace.

I learned that the others had gone out on a run to gather supplies to help us all get better again. I hoped it wouldn't be too long before they were back. My whole body aches and I had constant dizzy spells.

There was a tapping on the glass and I turned around to see Carl. I was banging on the window and holding up a comic book pointing excitedly at it. His mouth was moving but no words came out. Once he realised this his expression dropped and he was less excited but still made sure to flick through the pages, holding each one up to the glass for me, before he left. Leaving me alone. Again.

Shane did come to visit me but it wasn't for very long, since the others were away Shane had more things that he needed to take care of. I didn't mind I knew it's what he had to do but I hated being by myself, especially in a time like this. I was scared and alone with no idea what could happen to me. People died from this and we have no cure and not even the best idea of what it is.

I lay upside down hanging of the bed trying to entertain myself. I felt drowsy but couldn't sit still at the same time. There was too much going through me head for me to handle and just as I was about to fall asleep there was a load of commotion coming from outside which I went to check on.

When I reached the room I saw Glenn on the floor and her she over his mmm with a plastic bag, I'd seen him use it before but I had no idea what it was, I panicked before Maggie came rushing into the room. What if Glenn died? What if I die? I went out the room, I didn't want to be there if the worst were to happen.

The doors to the sick bay flung open and a few of the others came through the door holding supplies. Thank god, I thought to myself. They handed out the medicine and I felt almost instantly better. I knew I wasn't and that it would take a while but I think the idea of pretty much knowing I wasn't going to die anymore definitely helped.


This is a very short chapter again sorry I'm really busy

Edit- I'm editing it I'm not happy with how short it is I also went back and edited it a bit I'm doing that a lot atm since I feel as though I need to since updates are slow.

Edit again: I made it longer and it's now the longest chapter yet so  I'm much happier with this and I actually quite like it. Also thanks for all rhe reads wow almost at 200

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