Chapter 5 - Cleared out

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~ Samantha's pov~

The camp had been cleared out, and all the bodies were removed. The monsters were burnt and our people, my mom were buried on the hill in the holes that Jim had dug.

Shane and Rick had come to the conclusion that we needed to leave and go find someplace safe, find help, people maybe. I and Carl were sitting in the front of a truck with Lori standing beside us, her arm wrapped around me in an attempt to comfort me.

After Shane had finished explaining the plan morales spoke up. "We're er- we're not going" Eliza pushed her head into her mother wrapping her arms around her waist clearly not happy with the decision being made. I felt bad since she and Sophia had become so close, they were inseparable.

Rick walks toward Morales and hands him a gun. Daryl, clearly not best pleased with this decision, scoffs and turns away. Lori leaves me and Carl to go and say her goodbyes, Carl and I both still in tears move slightly closer to each other to feel just that little bit safer.

Eliza and Sophia run and hug each other and say their goodbyes, Eliza gives Sophia her doll. I want to smile at the heartwarming gesture but I can't bring myself to do so after the events that took place last night.

I sit in the back of the car with Carl in silence, neither of us wanting to talk about what had happened. I still haven't spoken to Joe about it. I heard Rick mention that we were going to the CDC or something like that, he's hoping for a cure there but I'm not all too optimistic.I move closer toward Carl and rest my head on his shoulder, the outlines of dried tears can be seen on both of our muddy faces. I fell asleep after that and I assumed Carl did too.

When I woke up we arrived at the building it was a large white almost cube building with thousands of windows down the front. The entrance leading up to it was bloody and filled with monsters. Carol tried her best to shelter me, Carl and Sophia from the sights but despite her best efforts she wasn't successful. The smell was unbearable even though I had pulled my shirt over my nose to try and block it out and the sounds of flys were overwhelming.

Rick began to bang on the shutters. No answer.

"There's nobody here" T-dog speaks up making my lip quiver at the thought of having nowhere to go again and being surrounded by those things.

"Then why are these shutters down" Rick snaps back.

"Walker!" An arrow pierces through its skull just as I turn to look, Carl also seems and I notice the tears forming in his eyes again.

"Where are we gonna go" Carol wails holding tighter onto Sophia Carl and me.

People begin to yell and move to leave when Rick notices the camera and begins to yell at it. I don't focus much on it and instead bury my head into carol so that I don't have to think about what is going to happen. Just then a bright light flashes catching me off guard, I look up to see the doors open.

Rick introduces himself to the man that let us in, and he says that his name is "Dr Edwin Jenner"

Once we entered the building we all had to get checked to see if we were infected with the disease. Once the others learnt that he was the only person left of the CDC their hope in this place faded a little.

We had a big meal, there was every kind of food that I hadn't had in ages. It felt like a big family gathering, I hadn't felt like this in a long time and it slightly cheered me up after the death of my mum. I small smile made its way onto my face as I glanced at Carl's disgusted face when he took a sip of wine, causing me to laugh. It wasn't long before the laughter died down though and the conversation became more serious when Shane began to ask questions.

"You are such a buzz kill" Glenn sighs placing his glass down on the table in front of Shane. I agreed with him, everyone was so happy, and his questions could've waited at least a little while. It wasn't long afterwards when Jenner took us to our rooms. I was still staying with Carl I hadn't spoken to him but I had been glued to his side since the incident back at camp.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. "About your mom. I can't imagine what it's like"  he finishes, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for a hug.

I smile at him, looking at his blue eyes shining at the light reflected on them. Carl is kind maybe too kind but I don't mind he makes me feel better and I don't know what I'd do without him.  "your my best friend Carl, thank you" burying my head back into him and continuing the hug. I never wanted it to end.

We were all brought into the main room of the building in a hurry after being awoken by Rick. There was a large red timer on the wall making me nervous. Rick and Jenner were talking when Shane and Daryl begin to yell. I couldn't focus on everything that they were saying but I managed to make out something about death and that was enough to make me not want to know more.

Lori pulled me and Carl down to her side to sit beside her on the floor, our backs pushed up against a cabinet.

"It'll be okay," she said faintly trying to reassure us "they'll get us out of here, they've done it before they'll do it again" "I'll protect yous no matter what okay?" She begins to rub her hand up and down my arm making me feel slightly more at ease, just as Daryl begins to bang on the metal door with anything that he can find screaming and grunting like a crazy person making me just as tense again, if not more.

After a long while of shouting Lori brings me and Carl to our feet quickly ushering us towards the now open door. I didn't hear much before we were gone but I heard Jenner "The day will come where you won't be" What does that mean? The day will come when we won't be what. It could mean a lot of things in the world but I just assumed it wasn't something pleasant and that meant that it wasn't something that I wanted to know.

Once out of the building, we began to run to the cars. Carl and I sat in the back, Lori in between holding us close. The loudest sound I think I had ever heard came out of nowhere, I could see the smoke and fire shooting past the windows and the sound of the building we were just inside crumbling.

I could've been in there, we all could've. That's got to mean something. Maybe everything will be okay after all.

That's the end of season 1 so onto season 2 now. They're older now 🥳🥳 so maybe a few more relationship-like scenes. The next one 🫢. I have a little note written already for the plot of the next chapter very excited to write it ( I'm trying to go a little faster and not put in every minor detail so if ykyk what is coming in the next chapter 😭😭) hopefully I can get it done tomorrow if not the day after. Only been writing this for 5 days and I don't want it to feel too rushed but when I finish I plan on going back and rewriting a few parts and adding to it a bit.

I have a few things in mind that I think will subvert the expectations when reading this since I have changed up the plot just a little. Returning characters? Others dying? Guess you'll have to wait and see.

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