Chapter 9 - should've died

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Hershel had gone missing after the barn incident and with Beth in shock and Maggie taking care of her Rick and Glenn had gone out to look for him.

Me and Carl were sat inside of the house on the sofa.

"Do you think they'll find him?" I asked

"Definitely" he smiled back "my dad always fixes things"

That made me feel better. I didn't want anything to happen to Hershel I liked him he's a good. Lori walked into the room straight after.

"They're back. Come on" she took ahold of both carl and I's hands and walked us outside where we saw the red car approaching.

Carl let's go of Loris hand and runs toward Rick. "Dad" he smiled. Lori let my hand slip as she went to hug her husband and I went toward Shane who just ruffled my hair.

I saw Maggie run toward the car assuming she was going toward Hershel but then she walked straight past him and hugged Glenn. I felt bad for him so I walked toward him and gave him a hug and a small smile before heading back toward Shane.

"Who the hells that!" T-dog shouted pointing his arm toward the back of the car cause Shane to push me slightly behind him.

"That's Randal" Glenn answered dropping his arm to his side.when I looked over there was a younger looking boy in the back, asleep with a red cloth over his eyes. I glanced over at Joe who walked toward the car shaking his head.


There was a meeting held to discuss what would happen to Randal. We all gathered around the table I stood in the corner beside Shane with Joe on the other side.

"When he's back on his feet we give some food, take him out the the main road, send him on his way." Rick explained.

"Isn't that just the same as leaving him for the walkers?" Andrea replied not too keen on the idea.

"He'll have a fighting chance" Rick shrugged.

Joe stepped away from the wall "just gonna let him go?" He flung his arms to his side "he knows where we are-"

"He was blindfolded the whole way here, he's not a threat" Rick seemed slightly angered.

"Not a threat" Joe laughed "how many were there? You killed three of their men you took one of them hostage, but they just ain't gonna come looking?"

"They left him for dead. No one is looking!"

"We should still post a guard" T-dog interrupted the disagreement between the two.

"You know what? I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy." Joe said before storming out of the house. "Look at this, folks we back in fantasy land" Andrea soon followed after.


A/N I'm trying to get the the prison as quickly as possible without the scenes being too rushed so that I can get more Samantha and Carl seems since I feel they are too young at this point but dw it will be within the next 3 chapters hopefully then they can start their relationship a bit.

Joe and Rick had already left to take Randal away by the time I woke up, I had fallen asleep on the sofa beside Carl. Shane sat on the sofa opposite from us. Everything was peaceful until there was a loud bang from upstairs and Maggie went running from in the kitchen followed by Lori close behind.

Maggie never came back down and Lori did briefly but only to gather a few things and then she headed back up. She looked worried, something had happened to Beth I could tell.

Never letting go (Carl.Grimes x OC) TWDWhere stories live. Discover now