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Hello! I had this idea in my mind and it came out like a ff hehe hope you like it ^-^
Mias POV

Hello my name is Mia. I'm 18 years old and live alone. Yeah alone in a house. Not that my parents kicked me out NO! They actually let me live in the house but without them. They travel around the world. They will do everything just to not see me. Yeah that's right they hate me. They call me their biggest mistake. But I don't care. I had my grandma. Yea, had, she died 2 years ago. I loved her more than anything. And I'm half koren that means just my father is korean that's says the name 'Kim'. I live in the three floors house. No we aren't rich but yea we have money. I took my keys and walked out locking the door. I'm 1st year college, I study medicine. I love to help people. I steped in the bus and sit on a empty seat. I heard my phone and answered not looking who's calling cuz I know who.
"Jae unni what's up?" Jae unni isn't really my sister. She's my friend we met 6 months ago and she's a year older. She grew more and more in my heart cuz she understands me.
Jae: "Mia where are you?" she's a bit overprotective but hey...she's like a real sister for me.
"In the bus heading to college wae?" She sighed. She needs me.
Jae: "I just forgot my bag in your house aish I need it." And she forgets stuff....
"Do you need it that much? I have 3 hours today...I'll bring you the bag after oke?" She sighed again. Well unni this happens when you don't look after your stuff.
Jae: "I will wait oke? I just take the other make up from the stylists oke bye!"
"Bye" I ended the call. Ah yeah Jae unni is a stylist in the entertainment uh...I again forgot the name...uuhhhm...something with Big?....ahh Big Hit yea ....for a idol group. Don't understand me wrong I'm not into the...kpop thing so much. I entered the school and sat down my desk.

>>>>>Fast foward
I took unnis bag and headed to the adress that she texted in a sms. Okay...I took a taxi cuz me and streets is a big No. After few minutes the driver stoped and I payed. Looking at the big building wow....I need luck to find her...i sighed. Let's go Mia. She said 3rd floor so the elevator...uh ah there. I entered the elevator in the same time with a boy. We both presed the 3rd floor. Okay. I didn't even looked at him. Whatever. When the elevator stoped we both came out. She siad the 4th door to left...hm 1, 2, 3....4! I ran to it and opened. The smell of hairspray hit my face. Hairdryer everywhere. I searched for her. When I found I called her very loud. "Jae!" Everyone turned to look at me. Hehe maybe to loud. She came runing.
Jae: "Omg Mia finally thank you" she huged me. Ugh she's a bit strong in the huging thing.
"No problem now I have to go I'm hu-" she cut my words.
Jae: "Hungry I know I have one more hour here could you wait? So we can go eat together pretty please?" She looked at me with her puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"Sure I'll wait" I sat on the sofa and looked around. So many people here. Looking around I noticed a body next to me. I turned around and saw a sleeping boy with red hair. Why does he sleep on the sofa....poor he's maybe tired. Bored I took my phone out and played games. I was wining till someone kicked me and my phone fell. I turned around and looked the boys who was sleeping. What is he dreaming? Playing soccer? I took my phone and looked at Jae who packs her bag. Ah finally she smiled at me an I stood up. She waved at the stylists and some boys.

We walked to our favourite cafe and ordered for burger. I love em but cheese burger more. After they came we started eating.
Jae: "How was school?" I gluped down the burger.
"It was nice we learned about the heart it's so interesting" she made a pouke face. She finds everything disgusting.

>>>>After the Cafe
I huged her and walked home. Reaching it I sliped my feet in the house shoes, took cornflakes and sat in front of the tv. Watching comedy I laughed. After a while I decidet to visit my bed. Hehe sleep time! I let the plate in the kitchen and turned the lights off walking in my room. Before I lyed in my bed I heard the doorbell. What? In this time? I took something hard and headed in front of the door. I didn't wanted to open it. Who is it? This late? I stood there and looked afraid on the door till my phone rang and I jumped afraid. Unni is calling?
"U-unni th-there is someone in front of my door" my voice trembled.
Jae: "Yah it's me open up" what the? I opened the door and saw unni standing there smiling. Behind her are some boys. What is happening here?
Jae: "Can we come in?" i looked at her. And then nodded.
"O-of course come in" I gave her the spare house shoes. She took em and headed in the living room. I took a glass watter and walked to em. Yeah I need water cuz I really got scared. Unni looked at me with puppy eyes
..okay she needs something. I looked at the boys and they look at me like hungry little puppys who wait for the owner to feed them.
Jae: "Mia...sweety can they stay here with you?" I chooked at my watter and looked shocked at her.
"WHAT?!" ......
To be continued....

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