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'I am going to die soon and I want you two the hottest couple in animal farm to take care of the farm after I go'
Snowball was going to open his big sexy mouth but Napoleon cut him off and said 'sure we'll do it'.
Snowball needless to say was stunned af. He had feelings for Napoleon for a long while even though Snowball knows that Napoleon would never want to be in a relationship with him it still made him happy that at least he's acknowledging it. It gave him... a sense of false hope.

Old major smiled softly and explained every detail on what was going to happen to animal farm after his passing.
'Should we tell the other pigs ' asked snowball.
'No they will know about this later along with the other animals as well.' Replied major-kun.
I will wish you luck comrades I hope you two will prosper together like how this farm will prosper later in the future
{seeing the events in how animal farm turned out I don't think so (•-•;) }

The day had arrived...

Old major had called all the animals to come join in the barn. The animals were confused on why old major-kun had called them. They all huddled together in harmony and waited for old major-kun to join.
After what felt like forever old Major- kun had finally joined. He gave a speech to the animals about how bad the humans were and was popping offf like the slay king he is 👄💄💅💅💅😍😍 after that he sang a super hit cool and cute song abt how all animals are equal. All the animals were mesmerized with how soft and sexy his voice was and after he finished the song they sang it too. The barn soon quieted down and finally old major spoke up again. 'I will die soon but I will intrust my legacy to snowball and Napoleon the hottest couple in animal farm.' Snowball blushed at that statement and all the animals cheered after hearing that snowball and Napoleon are going to run this farm together. All except one...
Sequeler had never felt so jealous in his life oh he wanted to rip snowball's cute little head ....

He'll be making plans for that oh..he sure will

he sure will

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