A Date...?

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The next day went by in a flash as Class A was in their boys and girls locker rooms changing into. As the boys were getting changed in their locker room, Akio was in the corner of the room when Midoriya approached him. "So Akio, are we doing the same training as usual tonight?" He asked. "No. Not tonight Deku. I gotta do something." Akio said. "Is everything ok?" Midoriya asked. "Yeah it's just, Momo asked if me and her could hang out tonight and I agreed." Akio said.

Suddenly everything just stopped and all the boys turned to Y/n after he said that. Akio looked around confused. "Why is everyone staring at me?" He said. "Repeat what you just said." Sato said. "Momo asked me to hang out with her tonight and I agreed." Akio said. Some of the boys immediately cheered leaving Akio even more confused.

"Dude! I can't believe she really asked you out on a date!" Sero said. "Yeah bro! That's awesome, you dating the smartest girl in class." Kirishima stated. "Not to mention the hottest." Kaminari added.

"Lucky bastard." Mineta muttered too scared to say to him out loud.

"What's a date?" Akio asked leaving the boys shocked. "Wait you don't know what a date is?" Kaminari asked and Akio shook his head no making most of the boys fall out. "How do you not know what a date is?!" Mineta shouted. "Idiots! It's obvious why he doesn't know in case any of you forgot." Bakugo stated. "Oh crap, sorry for overreacting dude." Kaminari said. "Yeah. But a date is basically where you and a significant other that you or the other like go out together and do some fun stuff." Kirishima explained. "Fun stuff like what?" Akio asked.

"Most people like old school dating and just go to a nice place to eat food." Shoji said. "Or they go to a fair that comes to town and go on some cool rides." Kirishima stated. "Or go to the arcade to play games and win prizes." Kaminari added.

"Most people go somewhere private to see each other--!" Mineta was cut off when tape was wrapped around his head. "Dude you really need to chill with that." Sero stated.

"What did you have planned on doing while out with Yaoyorozu?" Kirishima asked. "Nothing. She just wanted to hang out. We didn't have anything planned." Akio said. "So you were just gonna wing it tonight?" Kaminari asked.

Mineta ripped the tape off his face and smirked at Akio. "Heh, if you're going on a date with one of the hottest girls in our class you need to have a game plan if you take my advice---" "Mineta, I don't think you should give him any advice about girls." Todoroki stated. "Yeah dude no offense but you should be the last person giving out advice." Kaminari said. "More on the lines of, not even being on the list to give out advice." Sato stated with the others agreeing. As Mineta was trying to defend himself Bakugo approached Akio.

"Got anything to say about this?" Akio asked. "Tch. Just be yourself. Ponytail likes the you she met. No need to overthink and change anything. So don't screw and you'll be fine." Bakugo said and walked away as Akio put his words into thought.

Later on at the dorms

After everyone returned to the dorms Yaoyorozu was in her room with the other girls frantically going through her closet looking for clothes to wear. "Ugh! What do I wear? Pink? No! Oh, maybe strapless? No! I know! I'll wear jeans and make a statement! Hehe, NO that's lame! ARGH!" She shouted throwing her clothes back in the closet. "Yaomomo, chill." Jiro said trying to calm her friend down.

"But I need to find something to wear. If I just grab anything Akio might not like it." Yaoyorozu said. "Yaomomo, I doubt Akio would complain about something like that. He's pretty chill." Ashido said. "He'll like whatever you wear. I promise." Uraraka added. Yaoyorozu slightly smiled but was still nervous. She wanted to impress Akio with something. Ashido walked next to her. "Let's just do this." She said as she grabbed random fits and put them together and showed everyone. "Now that one's good!" Hagakure said. "Yeah it'll look good. Jiro said with Uraraka and Asui giving a thumbs up. "Well Yaomomo?" Ashido asked. Yaoyorozu smiled brightly. "Okay let's do it!"

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