Akio vs Nomu

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Deku POV

This is bad. This is really bad. Mr. Aizawa's down and bleeding out bad because of that Nomu. Now Akio is battling that Nomu throwing punches left and right creating shockwaves. I want to do something really badly. But I don't know if I can help Akio if I can only do one punch at 100% for One For All. Maybe if I can sneak over there, I can help Mr. Aizawa get away. But that guy who's called Shigaraki is standing right there. If I go now I'll put myself and Tsu and Mineta in danger. I hate being so helpless. I looked back over at Mineta and Tsu. Mineta had his hands over his mouth crying, Tsu just stared on in shock. I can't put those two at risk right now. I'll have to wait. Hopefully Akio doesn't get too hurt.

Your POV

Both you and the Nomu threw another punch making another shockwave come out. You knew this guy was strong but this is ridiculous! The Nomu threw another punch but you blocked it sending you into a wall. You got out of the wall and stared down the Nomu. 'I can't beat this guy in strength at the power I'm at now. I'll have to push myself in order to win this.' You thought. "Inferno 50%!" Your body beat got hotter and hotter as red flames started coming off your body. You charged forward and landed a hard punch in the face sending it stumbling back but it still held its ground. You threw multiple punches to the face and gut dodging its punches. Once the Nomu threw another punch, you threw its arm to the side and did a spin kick to the side of the face sending it to the ground. Then once it was on the ground you put the bottom wrist together creating a U form with your hands curling your fingers inward and a orb of red fire was forming in the center.

"Take this! RRRAAAAAGH!!!" A huge red heatwave came out of your hands straight towards the Nomu causing a huge explosion at impact.

Once the smoke cleared, you saw the Nomu getting up but only had one arm. "Hmph! Looks like your Nomu can't handle my heat. You lose." You said. "Oh you think so?" You heard Shigaraki ask. Then the Nomu's muscle tissue started to reform a new arm. "Damnit are you kidding me?!" You said in anger. "You see my Nomu has been holding back and absorbing all of your strong attacks. You're in for a fight of your life boy." Shigaraki said. Then the Nomu threw a massive punch to your gut sending you back. You exhaled in pain as you tried to regain your foot hold. Then the Nomu appeared behind you and punch you hard in the back sending you flying.

Narrator POV

Thirteen, Uraraka, Sero, Sato, Ashido and Shoji were still fighting the warp villain to a stand still at the entrance. Iida had already escaped to get help and now they needed a plan for the warp villain. But before they could think of anything something crashed down behind them near the steps. They all turned around and once the smoke cleared they saw Akio struggling to stand up. "Akio!" Ashido called as they ran towards him. "Stay back!" Akio shouted before getting kicked in the arm by the Nomu sending him over the edge. They all stopped in there tracks as they stared at the Nomu in fear as it stared at them. Then the Nomu let out a shriek and charged at them fist raised.

But before it could make impact, it was stopped inches away. They all looked to see the person who stopped the attack. "Akio!"

Your POV

You struggled to hold back the Nomu's huge fist as you tried to stop it from hitting the others. "You idiots! I told you to stay back! Go! NOW!" You shouted. Once you said that you heard them backing up. 'I need more power' you said in your brain as your fire got hotter. "Inferno....100%!" Now at the full power of Inferno your flames went everywhere around your body and your strength increased. You threw the Nomu's fist away and tackled it in the air. While in the air you landed a few hits in as the Nomu put you into a pillar. The Nomu pushed you away and as you landed on the ground the Nomu launched down and was about to slam his fist into you but you dodged it and kicked it in the brain making it disoriented. The Nomu quickly recovered letting out a large shriek charging forward at you throwing multiple punches your way. You was able to dodge and block most of them as you kicked the Nomu in the air and flew after it. The Nomu tried to punch you while in mid air but you dodged it going past him. Now above him, you launched yourself downward right onto the Nomu's back making it slam into the ground. You then put your hands together again. "Lets see you walk away from this point blank! RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!" You yelled as a massive red heatwave came out of your hands in a massive red explosion that could shake the whole USJ as a red beam shot up to the sky from the same spot where you had fired.

Once the smoke cleared, You stood over the Nomu and stared down at it painting. Before you could react, it kicked you in the side sending you into the fountain. Before you could get up the Nomu grabbed you by the neck and lift you up. You saw it's body slowly start to regenerate from your attack creating new skin and tissue. 'Damnit. Even at 100% of Inferno, He's still strong.' You thought. The Nomu punched you in the gut and threw you to the side creating a crater. Although you were beat up you still got back up and stared at the Nomu. "Man, they said you were tuff but this is crazy. You are a troubled one aren't you." Shigaraki said. "The only way you're gonna stop me is if you kill me. I'll fight even when my body's weakened." You said. "So be it. Time to end this level." Shigaraki said walking up to you as you prepared yourself for the next round.

Then the warp villain appeared next to Shigaraki. "Tomura Shigaraki." He said. "Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?" Shigaraki asked. "The rescue hero is out of commission. But there were students I was unable to disperse and one of them got outside of the facility." Kurogiri explained. Shigaraki started to growl while repeatedly scratching his neck. "Kurogiri... You fool... If you weren't our warp gate, I'd tear apart every last atom in your body. There's no way we can win if dozens of pros show up to stop us. It's game over. Back to the title screen. And I was looking forward to finishing this today. Damnit. Lets go home." Shigaraki said.

"Do you honestly believe I'll let you leave? I still have questions to ask. And I still got some fight left in me to beat both of you." You said. "So much pride in one boy. That's irritating. Sure you gave my Nomu a good fight I'll give you that, but in the end you still lost so there's no point in me killing you." Shigaraki said and you growled. "Oh before we leave, let's make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken. Lets wreck his pride." Shigaraki said turning behind him. You followed his eyes and saw Mineta, Tsu and Deku in the water watching. Then in a flash, Shigaraki was right over there with his hand out towards Tsu before you could react. You were too late to stop him as he touched Tsu ready to kill her.

But as you watched, nothing happened to her. "Man, you really are cool... Eraser Head." Shigaraki said. You looked to see Aizawa's head up with his eyes glowing red which meant he took away Shigaraki's Quirk.

"You! Let her go! Now! Smash!" You heard Deku yell and you saw him punch and a shockwave sending villains flying in the wind. But once you saw the smoke clear your eyes widened. It was the Nomu who took the blow stood in front of Shigaraki. 'Now I see. If that Nomu can absorb my attacks, he can do the same to All Might's attacks with One For All. Damnit!' You thought.

"You're pretty powerful. This smash of yours... Are you one of All Might's disciples? Doesn't matter. I'm done with you now." Shigaraki said. "Deku! Get the hell outta there you idiot!" You shouted running over as the Nomu was getting ready to kill him while Shigaraki was about to kill Mineta and Tsu.

Suddenly you heard the entrance to the building get slammed opened and everyone stopped in their tracks. You heard booming footsteps coming from the exit and stop with one big stomp.

"Have no fear students." A voice said which you recognized all too well. 'Bout time you got here Old Man.' You thought as you looked at the man at the top of the steps.

' You thought as you looked at the man at the top of the steps

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"I am here!"

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