Hosu Attack

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It's been 6 hours since Akio and Shoto went with Endeavor to Hosu City on patrol. The sun was about to set soon and there weren't many villains in the area to worry about.

Your POV

"Why did we come to Hosu if there's barely any crime here?" You asked as you walked next to Shoto behind Endeavor. "I would like to know as well. All you said was we're going to Hosu. Why come here if there isn't that much crime?" Shoto added. Endeavor turned his head towards you both. "Didn't you two watch the news. The Hero Killer was spotted in this city." Endeavor said. "The Hero Killer?" Shoto asked. "As in Stain. The freak that's been killing criminals and small time heroes. He's why we're here." You said. "That's right. All across Japan, The Hero Killer has been killing criminals and any Heroes that try to stop him pays the price. Over the time he's been around most crime rate has dropped but many small time heroes were killed by him. The fools should've been better if they wanted to stop him." Endeavor said. "He may kill heroes but you can't argue with the results he brings when it comes down to it." You said. "Akio. He's a villain. He kills people." Shoto said. "No. He's a anti-hero. A vigilante. Neither good or bad. He dropped more crime rates than any other stupid hero in Japan and has done a better job at keeping crime rate down than the great 'Symbol of Peace'. Villains don't fear All Might like they use to or are just too stupid to stop doing crimes when he's around. Most Villains fear Stain with passion. He may bring more harm than good and he kills and cripples pro heroes but He knows how to bring order to the word 'Hero'." You explained. Endeavor turned to you. "Akio, I admire your statement. It is true that crime has dropped because of him and had made an impact on the society. But not a big enough impact. I want to capture the Hero Killer so that everyone will know that I'm the best. I will do something that All Might or any other pro hero couldn't do." Endeavor said. "Better put your money where your mouth is. What's the point in all that talk if you can't back it up." You said. "Hmph. Your father usually gave me that same sassy voice. I'm wondering if that's the only he you inherited from him instead of his power." Endeavor said. You gave an angry look under your helmet as you balled you fist tight. Endeavor smirked and turned forward. "Lets keep looking. The Hero Killer has to be around here somewhere." Endeavor said walking forward. You got more angry and walked towards him with balled fist until Shoto placed his hand on your shoulder. "He's not worth it. He'll stay stuff like that to get under your skin. Don't let him provoke you." He said. You looked at him for a second then sighed while shoving his shoulder off. "Whatever." You said walking as Shoto followed you.

As you and Shoto walked you heard a large sound. "What was that?" Shoto asked. "It sounded like a building falling." You said then looked up to see smoke from a fire. 'Is that fire? What's going on?' Then time seemed to stop for you as you sensed something about to come attack you and Shoto. You unconsciously pushed Shoto out of the way as you saw something crash threw the building next you and slam you across the street into the side of a building. You looked up to see a large muscular thing on top of you that looked familiar. You saw that it had no mouth but it's brain was sticking out of it's head. "A Nomu!?" You shouted. The Nomu gave out shriek and raised it's fist up in the air. You quickly powered your Quirk and blocked the punch. Once you did that you kicked the Nomu off of you and jumped out of the rubble. The Nomu let out another shriek. 'Damn! Another Nomu!? But what's it's doing here?'

"AKIO!" You heard Shoto yell your name as you saw him behind the Nomu. He used his ice to freeze underneath it trapping it's legs in ice. You then charged forward shooting it's legs with your pistols and kicking it out of the ice breaking it's legs off. As the Nomu fell to the ground it's legs started to grow back. It let out a shriek and was about to attack until Endeavor fired his flames at it sending it flying into a building. "I thought the monstrosity know as Nomu was in prison." Endeavor said. "That isn't the same Nomu. This is another one. But it isn't as powerful as the one at the USJ. The last one punched harder." You said. "Akio, are you injured?" Shoto asked. "Worry about yourself. We need to figure out what the hell is going on." You said.

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