Big Heroes vs Villains Team Battle

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"The hero team wins!"

Your POV

After you heard All Might say that you looked around to see everyone else's shocked expressions. "What a weird way for this to end. The losers are practically untouched and the winners are both on the ground." Kaminari said. "How's the saying go. You may have won the battle but not the war." Tokoyami said. "This class is intense." Tsuyu said. You watched on the screen as All Might saw Deku out of the training ground on a medical stretcher.

After that we all looked at the results of the test on the screen. "Well despite the results. The MVP of this exercise is young Iida!" All Might said and you saw everyone including Iida shocked at the results. "Shouldn't it be one of the heroes instead since they're the winners?" Tsuyu asked. "Mm! Valid question. Why didn't I choose one of those two? Who has a guess?" All Might asked and Momo raised her hand. "Sir. I can tell you why. Iida embraced this challenge. He was the only one who adapted to his assigned role. I'll explain: Bakugo's judgment was cloud by a personal grudge against Midoriya. As he pointed out earlier, launching a large scale attack indoors was a foolish move. It could have been disastrous. Similarly Midoriya's plan was also poorly thought out considering the amount of damage that he received. He rendered himself helpless. Not smart. As for Uraraka, she let her guard down mid battle and her final attack was far too reckless given the hypothetical stakes. If she'd treated the fake weapon as though it were real, she never would've risked using an imprecise move. Iida was fully prepared for his opponent's arrival. He had a strategy and never lost sight of his mission to protect the dummy weapon even though he was foiled at the end. Technically the hero team won yes but but they took advantage of the fact that this was training. They didn't respect the spirit of this trial." She explained and everyone, even you and All Might were surprised by the explanation. "Yes...well you overlooked a few things. Young Iida could have relaxed a little bit in the exercise, but otherwise you nailed it! Now time to blow this joint. Lets move on to the next match!" All Might said as he began to pick two more teams.

30 minutes later

After everyone has gone they all waited in the monitor room to see what else All Might has instored. "Alright All Might. Now that the rest of em has gone. What about me?" You asked. "I'm glad you're fired up. Because the next one will be, a 5 vs 5 team battle!" All Might said. "This exerise will be the same as the last ones, the villains will be 5 of you who have a bomb. Akio here will lead the heroes in battle to get the bomb. Akio I'll let you pick your teammates and I'll pick the leader of the villains and their team. Take your time and pick." All Might said as you stared at everyone.

'I need to have people who's Quirks will be more useful to me.' You thought. "Okay. I pick Iida, Asui, Uraraka and Momo." You said and they ran to your side. "Okay All Might. Tell us who we're going up against." You said. The Villains will be Kirishima, Tokoyami, Kaminari, Jiro and Bakugo." All Might said and Bakugo's team ran over to his side. "Now then, Heroes and Villains, take your starting positions and let the fight began!"

You and the others stood outside in a alleyway as you waited for the battle to begin. "So Akio?" Tsuyu called. "Yeah Asui." You said. "You can just call me Tsu." Syu said. "Right Syu. What's wrong?" You asked. "I was wondering why'd you pick us for this mission when you barely know any of us?" Tsu asked. "I picked you all for your Quirks and other reasons. Iida you can move fast with your Quirk so you should be the one to help go after the bomb with the others and Tsu with your athletic abilities you can be able to get to the bomb just as fast as Iida." You said. "But why me and Momo. You could've gone with anyone else but you chose us." Uraraka asked. "You can use your Quirk to float objects and even yourself. Momo here can give you stuff if there aren't any around." You said. "Yeah but do you have a plan on taking the bomb?" Momo asked. "All Might said I'd be the leader of this team. But I'm not gonna be the one making up the plans. That part is all on you Momo." You told her and she was surprised. "B-But why me? Do you trust me that well." She asked. "No. Not really. I've only known you all for two days. And I'm not the trusting type. I'm just going on a gamble for now. But on a side note, you're smart as hell. That's why I picked you. This is my gamble; we already know our enemy. The others will try to focus on protecting the bomb. Tokoyami will stay behind with the bomb along with Kaminari and Jiro. Kirishima will wanna go for the attack while defending the bomb. As for Bakugo, he'll most likely go rogue again and come straight for me. He's the strongest on there team. I take that away you guys should have a cake walk. Like I said, I'm not the type to trust people, but I got no choice but to in this matter. So you think I can really count on you four to do this?" You asked. "You can! We won't fail you!" Uraraka said and everyone nodded. "Alright teams you're free to move! Let the battle begin!" All Might said into the loud speaker. "Go in a different direction than me and find the bomb." You said. They nodded and ran down the alleyway. 'Here goes nothing.' You put on your helmet and threw you hood over your head as you got out into the open.

You walked down the empty street looking around to see anything. Then ahead of you, you saw the kid you were looking for. Bakugo. 'I was right' "I saw you talking to Deku and that girl before my battle with them. What'd you tell him?" Bakugo asked. "Like that's any of your concern. What he did was all on his own." You said. "Why waste your time on a damn nerd like him? He may have a Quirk now but he's still weak." Bakugo said. "I don't care for him. I'm just here to fight and win." You said and Bakugo growled. "You think you're as strong as me?!" He shouted as he made little explosions on his hands. "No. I know I'm as strong as you." You said grabbing your pistols. 'Inferno 10%.' Your Quirk activated and fire started to surround you. "I'm gonna make you eat those words!" Bakugo shouted. "Bring it." You said as you both ran up to each other and clashed.

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