Deku and Uraraka vs. Bakugo and Iida

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Your POV

"Team A! Team D your time starts now!"

You watched as Deku and Uraraka are about to enter the building on the monitor. "Pay attention kids. Think about what would you do." All Might told you all. On the monitor you saw Deku and Uraraka enter the building threw the window and start to walk around the hallways. They went past each corner. "So Akio you think Midoriya will be able to use his Quirk in actual combat?" Krishima asked. "Tell me something. What happened to Deku when he used his Quirk in the entrance exam?" You asked. "Oh yeah. You weren't apart of that. Well he used one punch to take out a giant robot. But his arms and legs were like jelly afterwards and he was out cold." Kirishima explained. "Just what I thought. He'd be lucky to make out of this fight. Luckier if he and Uraraka actually wins." You said. 'If what he said was true about him in the entrance exam and if my theory about his Quirk is correct, both Deku and All Might has some explaining to do.' You thought as you continue to watch them go through the halls.

Then out of nowhere, Bakugo showed up and threw an explosion out of his hand as Deku and Uraraka dodged it. "Whoa! He almost got the jump on them." Mineta said. "Sneak attack Bakugo? What kinda man pulls cheap crap like that?" Kirishima said. "It's a viable strategy. He's playing the part. Acting like how a villain would." You told him. "Correct young Akio." All Might said. "It didn't work. Midoriya dodged him!" Ashido said. "Look there he goes!" Kaminari said as everyone paid attention to the screen.

Bakugo charged at Deku about to punch him but Deku grabbed his arm and swung him over his side onto the ground. Deku stood over him fist raised as Bakugo got back up. You saw Bakugo put his hand up to his ear and started talking but you couldn't hear what they was saying. "Who was Bakugo talking to?" Kirishima asked. "He's got a earpiece so he can talk to Iida." You said and All Might turned to face you all. "Correct. I gave it to both of them along with a map of the building and a roll of tape. You wrapped around your opponent and they are out of the game." He said. "So there's a 15 minute time limit and the good guys have no idea what floor the nuclear weapon is hidden on right?" Ashido asked. "Correct!" All Might said. "Then the heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here. A big one!" Ashido said. "Real pros have to outwit villains on a daily bases. That's life. Even when the odds are not in our favor, we fight! Lets hear a Plus Ultra!" All Might said and you heard everyone else say Plus Ultra as well.

You looked back at the screen and saw Bakugo charge at Deku while Uraraka went the over way to try and find the bomb. Bakugo went for a kick to the head but Deku blocked it. Bakugo then went for an explosive punch and Deku dodged that one as well. "Kid's good I'll give him that." You said. "He's holding his own and he hasn't even used his Quirk yet." Sero added.

As Bakugo was about to attack him Deku ran away and Bakugo chased after him now. Bakugo was getting angry and was setting off small explosions in his hands. "That guy has some real anger issues. Kinda scary." Kaminari said out loud.

You watched as Bakugo destroyed door after door looking for Deku. "Why hasn't Midoriya tried to find Uraraka yet? They should attack together." Kirishima asked. "It's battle Strategy. If he went after her Bakugo would follow. And if they both tried to take him down time would run out. They need to stay split up so they can't fail." You told him.

You turned your attention back to the screen and saw they had 6 minutes left. Then you saw Bakugo found Deku and they stared at each other. Bakugo was telling Deku something as he raised his arm up and grabbed on to his grenade gauntlet. "Young Bakugo! Don't do it! You'll kill him!" All Might said in the loud speaker sounding worried. Bakugo didn't listen and pulled a pin on his gauntlet and a huge explosion was going down the hallway towards Deku. You all felt the explosion from the monitor room. "Whoa! This is nuts!" Kirishima said. "That's some power he's got." You said. "Come in! Come in Midoriya!" All Might said in the loud speaker.

You saw Midoriya was on the ground as Bakugo was walking towards him. "Hey you think Bakugo's taking this a little too far? He's gonna kill him." Kirishima said. "Maybe. But this is how villains act. If Deku's lucky, he'll probably make it out of this fight breaking at least one arm." You said. "Bakugo. Use that stored up power again and I'll stop this fight. Your team will lose. To employ such a strong attack indoors is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That's a poor strategy whether you're a hero or a villain. The penalty will be a massive loss of points." All Might said. Deku got up as Bakugo charged at him. As Deku was about to punch him, Bakugo fired an explosion sending him in the air behind him and firing another one at Deku's back. "What was that move?" Kirishima asked out loud. "He doesn't come off as a guy with a strategy. But he's actually quite intelligent." Todoroki said. "He's right. Bakugo changed his trajectory while in midair using a blast that doubled as a smokescreen. Very clever of his part." You added. "A feint attack like that requires an extreme amount of precision. He had to calculate the physics and demonstrate control over his Quirk." Momo added. "Ugh Bakugo is uber talented. I hate it." Kaminari said.

Bakugo then hit Deku on the arm while grabbing it as well. Using his Quirk he pushed himself forward in front of Deku and threw him over his shoulder on the ground. "This is hard to watch. All he has to do is wrap tape around him not kill him." Ashido said. Bakugo's certainly acting like a villain." Tokoyami said. "I thought Midoriya was pretty amazing at the start of the fight but he's completely outmatched in terms of combat power. Not to mention Bakugo seems like a natural at all this stuff." Kaminari said. You looked over at All Might and saw him clenching the microphone. You knew a part of him wanted to end the fight but he wants to see how it plays out. So do you.

You looked to the screen to see Deku getting back up and started to run. "He's running away." Ashido said. "Not very manly but he doesn't have a choice. He's outgunned." Kirishima said. "Unless he's got a plan." You said and everyone turned to you. "Watch and see. If there's a reason to him just running than he's already have a plan. If the rest of you don't see it then pay close attention." You explained keeping your gaze on the screen. Deku's back was against the wall as Bakugo walked up to him. Then they started to run towards each other. "They're gonna kill each other! Sir!" Kirishima shouted. "Both of you stop!" All Might said but then on the other screen Uraraka grabbed onto a pillar. Then to your surprise, he didn't hit Bakugo but threw his punch straight up and a gust of wind and power was followed behind. The entire upper building was being demolished. You saw Uraraka still holding a broking pillar in her hands and gave it a swung. As she swung it, all the flying rocks went towards Iida. As Iida was blinded Uraraka jumped high in the air over the hole in the ground and latched herself onto the bomb. You looked at the other screen to see Deku badly injured and past out on the ground. Everyone was shocked as All Might spoke in the loud speaker. "The hero team wins!"

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