Training Ground Beta

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Narrator POV

All Might stood at the entrance of the training ground waiting for his students to enter. Soon he heard multiple footsteps coming towards him. "They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold you are the proof! Take this to heart. From now on you are all heroes in training! This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool! Now. Shall we get started, you bunch of newbies?"

 Shall we get started, you bunch of newbies?"

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Your POV 3 weeks earlier

You were sitting on the couch in your house looking over some papers. Before you could go to UA you need to pick out your hero costume. You already new the type of equipment you wanted with your costume but you need something that was easy to move around in, not that heavy but strong and able to protect you from any damage. Emiko was sitting next to you trying to give you some ideas. You weren't against the idea that she wanted to help you and you didn't mind at all.

"Oh! How about you have a cool jacket with a hoodie? With spikes on it! That would be cool." Emiko said. "The jacket with the hoodie sounds all right but I don't know about the spikes." You said.

Then you heard the door open and saw your mom walk in. "Hey mom." You and Emiko greeted. "Hey. Akio, I got something for you." Your mother said. "Like what?" You asked. "Well I know you were having trouble picking out a good costume and well, I met up with an old friend down at the police department and I asked him if he could grab something for you to wear with your costume. Check it out." She said holding it out to you. It was some light body armor that could fit perfectly on your body. "It looks all right. I'll have to paint something on it to put more of a good flare to it." You said. "I also got you this." Your mother said handing you a helmet. "They said it was made out of a strong but light material. Same with the body armor for good mobility. What do you think?" She asked. "Mom, it looks good. Uh thanks." You said. "Well I just wanted to make sure my baby was safe while doing his hero work." You mom said with a smile.

Present day

You walked out of the tunnel and mostly everyone turned to see you in your hero costume.

You walked out of the tunnel and mostly everyone turned to see you in your hero costume

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When Ashido saw you she ran over to you. "Wow Akio! Your costume looks so cool." She said. You took off your helmet and looked to see Ashido wearing a blue jumpsuit with purple splats on it along with some boots. "Uh...Your costume looks cool as well." You said. "Yeah it does." You heard someone say. You looked down and saw Mineta eying Ashido with drool coming from his mouth. You kicked him like a soccer ball sending him rolling away. "Not in that type of way you perverted shrimp." You said making Ashido chuckle.

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