"Ay caramba, he got a text!" Piranha shrieked.

"Wolf, you get it," Hornet commanded.

"Why me?" Wolf asked surprisingly.

Because you're a pickpocket!"

Wolf sighed in defeat as he took out the pizza guy's phone from his pocket, and opened the message. The messenger showed that his boss texted the guy about the other deliveries that he hadn't delivered yet, "Oh, no. This means there are still undelivered pizzas in his car."

"The restaurant's gonna know ours was the last one he dropped off before he disappeared," Hornet said.

"Oh, no, that means we will be accused for sure!" Shark exclaimed fearfully.

"Which means we got to deliver the rest of his pizzas. And we'll leave him and his car at the last stop," Wolf said.

"Good idea, Wolf," Snake nodded as he told everyone, "Now let's get to it before the restaurant might get suspicious if we don't leave soon."


On their way, the Bad guys decide to use the pizza guy's car instead to deliver the pizza so no one would suspect a thing.

Like their seating arrangement with their car, Wolf took the wheel, Snake was on the passenger seat, and Shark, Piranha, Tarantula, and Hornet were in the backseat with a dead pizza guy.

Wolf looked around the interior of the car as he commented disgustingly, "Wow, this car is depressing. He's got three ashtrays in use."

"Can you put on some music? I left my mp3 player at home," Tarantula requested.

Snake looked at the front, and said, "There's no CD player. Just a Discman with a cassette plug-in."

Shark then took a CD case, and read the label, "You ever heard of a band called Special Delivery? Oh, no. It's his band," he cooed sadly, "Oh, no. Oh, they're all in uniforms, God bless 'em. Aw, 'Dying On A Stranger's Toilet Seat' is bad, but this is real bad."

"Guys, let's get back to the pizzas," Hornet reminded about the mission.

Wolf shook his head to snap out of his thought, "Right. We deliver the pizzas and nobody calls the police. Now, where's our first stop?"

Tarantula looked at the pizza guy's phone, and said, "The police station."

Wolf exclaimed in panic.


When the Bad Guys arrived in front of the police station, they stayed in the car for a moment, trying to think of a plan to deliver the pizza without being noticed.

"There are cameras everywhere," Hornet looked through the window, and could see the entrance of the police station with his helmet, "We can't be seen leaving those pizzas."

"But he can," Piranha turned his head to the dead pizza guy.

"But how we can send the pizzas with this guy?" Snake asked.

"Hmm, I got an idea," Tarantula then dropped herself into a bag. Then, she came out dragging out a device that looked like a stick-figure person with blue thick ropes, and white suction cups.

"What is that, Webs?" Shark asked.

"This is a new invention of mine. It's a skeleton controller. It can use to puppet any person, like this dead guy," Tarantula explained. Then, she crawled to the dead guy's back, and stick the suction cups at the back of his hands, feet, head, and whole body, "All I have to do is stick this skeleton at his back, and I'll be hiding under his shirt so I can control him with this," she took out a remote that could control her invention.

The Bad Guys season 1: Our Own StoryWhere stories live. Discover now