Maraschino Ruby

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Ater seeing The Bad Guys short: Maraschino Ruby last June, I decided to rewrite this with my OC as well.



Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


Wolf and Snake were walking out of a convenience store, while Wolf was looking at a news article that was displayed in the front of the paper. The image was of a beautiful red, shiny ruby held on a little pedestal, and above the picture was a title that said, "Maraschino Ruby On Display At The Museum."

While looking at the newspaper over Wolf's shoulder, Snake commented, "Come on, Wolf. It's too dangerous. Why would we steal the Maraschino Ruby? I thought we had a clean slate."

Wolf pointed out to a side article that had a picture of the chief, who had a smug smile, while on top was the sentence, "The ruby is safe from those stupid, lame, and stupid Bad Guys" while saying, "Look at what the chief said about us. The ruby is safe from those stupid, lame, and stupid Bad Guys'?"

Snake was surprised, and said, "Woah! Two stupids?"

As they both entered the car, where Shark, Tarantula, Piranha, and Hornet were already sitting in, Snake replied, "Okay, I'm in," he took put a red Push Pop and started to lick it.

Wolf noticed the frozen treat and asked, "Hey, did you pay for that Push Pop?"

"What? You want to see a receipt," Snake replied, defending himself.

On cue, a huge group of police cars arrived, surrounding the Bad Guys, while an officer shouted through a megaphone, "Freeze!"

Wolf turned on the car engine and said, "Let's do this," he drove the car off somewhere, with his name showing up right next to him.


Wolf began to explain the plan, saying, "Okay; first, to get to the ruby, we're gonna need disguises."

A scene showed Shark, who was dressed up as an officer, talking to two police officers, who ran off, while he smiled and winked at the fourth wall, with his name showing up next to him.

"I got this," replied Shark.

"Next, we need to keep an eye on the area if it's safe," Wolf suggested.

Another scene showed Hornet clinging on the ceiling, using his helmet at the HUD effect to spot intruders and interference, with his name next to him.

"All clear," stated Hornet.

Wolf then addressed, "Then, break our way in."

A new scene showed a huge metal door, where Piranha, dressed in his black bodysuit, easily broke in with three mighty kicks, breaking the chains, and making a way in, while his name appeared beside him.

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