Love Paradise

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I told you this isn't over. This is the continuation of the previous chapter, but we're coming to a close for this season. Enjoy this story while the chapters lasted.



Mr. Wolf: Yeah! I'm bad!

Mr. Snake: You're bad!

Ms. Tarantula: He's bad!

Mr. Hornet: She's bad!

Mr. Piranha: We're bad!

Mr. Shark: Who's bad?

The Bad Guys: Yeah!
We're the Bad Guys!


The next morning, after a peaceful movie night last night, the Bad Guys didn't have a good morning. Despite the good movie night and having Hornet back home alive last night, they couldn't get over that trauma and almost lost Hornet, their very good friend. Even Hornet couldn't forget what happened last night. He died in just a couple of minutes, and came back to life again. It was a weird experience to face death, and came back alive again. Another weird part was he got his first kiss with Piranha. He tried to forget that part too, but it was still stuck in his head, even in his dream. It was the best experience ever, but it was also awkward because he kissed his best friend. Piranha didn't get much sleep either. Not only he had his best friend dead in his hands, and watched him live again, but also he kissed him. Darn, Hornet was so small, but it was romantic. Kissing him was a good experience, but seeing Hornet's tired but unhappy face, Piranha was afraid that Hornet might regret what happened between them last night. Snake, Shark, Piranha, Tarantula, and Hornet were sitting on the couch, and Wolf stood in front of them.

"Morning, guys," Wolf declared, but no one seemed to respond because it was a bad morning for all Bad Guys. Wolf cleared his throat, and said, "As you know, we still haven't got over what happened last night," he then eyed the guilty and upset Hornet, who knew what Wolf was referring to, "On the bright side, we had our movie night, and, most importantly, we got Hornet back, alive and well, and hopefully it stayed that way."

"Don't worry, guys. As long as I still have my gem here, I think I'm alright," Hornet said while exposing his cracked life gem.

"But, if you die again, we'll revive you again with the power of friendship...! With our tears," Shark squealed, feeling touched by how Hornet came back to life that night.

"Shark, I appreciate that, but it's ridiculous. Plus, it was not guaranteed it might happen again if my life gem was off again," the little insect said,

"What about that crack in that gem?" Tarantula pointed to the tiny crack.

"Well, it didn't affect me overnight, and didn't flicker, so I think it'll be fine."

"That's good, Hornet," Wolf told him before telling the rest of the Bad Guys, "And since last night was a bit traumatic, why don't we go out, you know, get our mind off of things."

"That's great, Wolf, but I don't think we need this," Tarantula said.

"Trust me, we all need this," as the rest of the Bad Guys were confused, Wolf took out his phone, and scrolled the screen, "I think we can go to..." he showed the picture of a beach resort, "Avalon!"

The Bad Guys season 1: Our Own Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें