Chap 12

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Brooke's POV

Once we got home me and Annie started to make breakfast for everyone they are all in the living room except for Grey because he is anti-social.  Once I finished breakfast I call out that it is ready but not before making sure that I made me and Annie's food Grey was smart because he avoided the band of idiots. We all sat down and chatted because the boys don't have practice today once we were done me and Annie decided to stay again. Then Jake spoke up.

"So what do you guys want to do today"

"We could go ice skating" Mitch suggested

"You guys really want to spend more at an ice rink on your day off" I asked

"Yeah" they all agreed

I just shook my head laughing saying "Okay but before we go there we have to go back to our apartment to get into better clothing then we can go" they all agreed saying they have to change too before Grey left I had to ask him something

"Hey do you mind if I wear your clothes home I can give it back later" he just nodded walking away

I run into Grey's room to grab my dress but as I am leaving I see Grey take his shirt off and I freeze for a minute like I knew he looks good but goddam. I was about to leave when he turns around saying 

"Guarda qualcosa che ti peace principessa" (See something you like princess) 

"No, stavo prendendo il mio vestito e me ne andavo" (No I was just getting my dress and leaving)

"Tu peux regarder tout ce que tu veux princesse j'espère qu'un jour ce sera à toi"(You can look all you want princess I hope one day it will be yours *In french*) 

I didn't fucking know he knew 3 languages but after that I left I went to the living room where Annie and Mitch were sitting on the couch with his hockey bag next to him in sweatpants and an Ohio state sweatshirt. Annie was wearing what she slept in. We all started to talk about thanksgiving and when we were going to the good stuff like that when everyone was ready to go. We were off first we had to stop by my and Annie's apartment to change real quick to change. Once we got up there I brushed my hair out leaving it done I don't have enough time to change all the way so I just grabbed a black puffer vest and switch out the sweatpants because these things are massive on me. I grab my hockey bag with my skates in it and I also grab my ugg slippers for something to slip off to put my skates on quickly. I swear to god we have telepathy because Annie and I exit our rooms at the exact same time. We start to head downstairs to see the boys still chilling in their car and I realize I forgot to tell them that we were going to go in my truck. So I go up to knock on the driver's window Grey rolls down the window. 

"Hey we don't want to cram in so we are going to take my truck we will be behind you guys just wait a minute for us to get into the car." he nodded rolling up the window. 

Me and Annie hurried to my truck because it is cold as fuck out here. Once we got to our apartment the boys just said that they would wait outside in Grey's truck until we were done. Once we get upstairs I pack my hockey bag. I brush my hair then throw it back into a bun leaving the hoodie on I change Grey's sweatpants for a pair of my own because they will be easier to skate in. Once I was done with that I go into the living room to put my shoes on while I wait for Annie.

"Hey Ma belle"(my beautiful *in french*) what does that mean

"So what rink are we going to"

"We are going to this one I knows just follow us"

"Okay bye see you there" 

"Bye Brooke"

Annie comes out soon after my phone call and we head out to my car when we get to Grey's truck we honk to tell them to start driving. As we get to the rink I remember it I forget where though. The boys wait for us then we all walk in together we all have skates from something Annie used to do figure skating and then the boys and I have hockey skates. We are all tieing our skates the boys do them in like 10 seconds while I and Annie take 10 times longer so Mitch helps Annie and Grey come over to tie our skates. 

"I have a question," I ask

"I may have an answer"

"Why are you always DD" he is done so he is looking at me with his hands on my thighs

"My dad died because of a drunk driver so I never want anyone driving drunk and I don't drink," he said drawing circles on my things kinda like it was relaxing him

"I am sorry," I say grabbing his face 

"Don't be it is the past" He said getting up and helping me up

I take his hand going out to the rink as we are walking Annie walks up to me saying

"What was that about" I shrug my shoulder even though I think I know what it was.

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