Chap 7

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Greyson's POV

I don't know what came over me when I offered to go to the Grocery store I hate the grocery store but something tells me that it wouldn't be so bad with Brooke. On the way there it was majority silent after Brooke was done with her teasing but it was a comfortable silence. Once we were there we split up which I was not happy about but I just speed-ran the entire thing so I could spend more time with Brooke I don't care I sound like a lovesick puppy. I was standing by the register for a little when Brooke came up I followed her to the line. When I saw her try and pull her wallet out I was about to take the whole thing but she grabbed her card too fast and so I just snatched that and paid for the thing, of course, she tried to argue but I still won so. On the car ride home there was a lot more chat we were talking about our tattoos most of the time I just kinda scraped the part about my dad just like she did with her sister which I understand we will both tell each other when we want to tell each other.

While Brooke was cooking it smelt heavily in the house while the girls were doing stuff we were talking when I remembered what I wanted to talk to Mitch about. "So Mitch what is going on between you and Annie" he almost choked on his drink "Nothing" "Are you sure about that you seemed pretty eager to have her in your bed last night" he looked like he had just gotten caught too. "Quindi see mi piace Annie non e che le piaccio"(So what if I like Annie it's not like she likes me). He spoke in Italian so the other two wouldn't understand at least he thought my dad also taught Jake he isn't as fluent as me but he could probably understand that given his smirk. Right as that conversation was done Brooke called that food was ready I sprinted to the kitchen to be first but Reese tried to trip me and Mitch shoved me while this was happening Jake just slowly walked away toward the food. I think not so I shoved him and he got mad and got in on it eventually we were done fighting and just got even portions. We all basically shoved food into our mouths like a bunch of starved men while the girls basically just picked at theirs. We are gentlemen so we sat at the table waiting for like 15-20 minutes. When we were done me and the boys cleaned up while the girls went to get all their stuff once they left I felt bored so I went upstairs since I don't have classes for another 1/2 hour. I decided to go through my closet for all of my smallest clothes for Brooke when she stays. 

Then I have my business class to go to yay. I was on my way to my class which I am glad is only 1/2 an hour so it is not terribly long then I have hockey practice after. Once my class was over I was heading back to my car when I saw Brooke she looked pissed at whoever she was talking to so I decided to go over there to her. When I was there I swung my arm over her shoulder and started to talk to her. We were on the way to her car when we got there we hugged goodbye and I walked to my car. I drove home and when I got home I went to get ready for practice because we have a game against Michigan in two days on Friday at Michigan so my mom is going to come to the game with my step-dad which you know I am so excited about him coming. I went to go make sure the buys were getting ready and the majority were but Reese needed a little reminder. In like 20 minutes we were heading out the door to practice we got in my car because it was the biggest. We arrived at the arena we went in to get all our gear on we were walking to the ice after getting changed we started to warm up and mess around while everyone was getting ready. Then a flash went off I looked at where it came from and when I saw I smiled when I saw Brooke smiling looking at her camera for a picture of me and Mitch high-fiving because we beat Reese and Jake. I skated over to her and said 

"Whatcha doing" she gave me a are you dumb look and said 

"whatcha think I am doing staring at my camera screen" 

"That is what it looks like and if it is I think you need to reconsider because I think you are supposed to be taking pictures" 

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