Endings and New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

"That's why I called you." The sound of a breath being released were heard over the phone. "We want to keep this low profile. We don't want people to know about the blackmail, threat, call it whatever. But... I want you to make a decision on this. Do you want him to go to prison? Or let him just... keep on living?"

Louis instantly knew what he wanted, and one shared glance with Harry reassured him that Harry felt the same way. Harry nodded slightly at Louis, kissing his forehead.

"Let him go free. No charges."

"You sure?" Anne's voice had sounded unsure. "He practically forced you to come out."

"Not really. We could have always gone with the money option," Harry said with a shrug. "It would have happened sooner or later."

"Doesn't make what he did right, but, all right. If that's what you want."

"It is," Harry and Louis said in unison.

"Good. I will make sure that happens. Goodbye, Louis and Harry." She was just about to hang up, but Harry stopped her.


"Yes, darling?"

"The daughter. Give him some money to pay off the bills, please?"

Anne let out a sigh. "Harry-"

"Mom, she is sick and he must clearly have been desperate to do something like this."

"Fine. I will." With that she hung up.

Harry pulled Louis to him, kissing his temple, but didn't say anything. Neither of them did.

April came and with that, warmer weather. It was beginning to feel like summer, Louis finally starting to wear t-shirts, instead of constantly walking around in hoodies. But April also meant the one year anniversary of the King's death.

It was April third, a Tuesday. They had classes, but Louis couldn't care less of that. Harry didn't want to get out of bed at all, so Louis stayed in with him, holding him as he cried, only leaving when Harry decided to face-time Anne and Gemma.

They had to start reading up for their exams that would start in May. Many hours were spent in the green-house and the library, noses buried in their text books, while their legs were intertwined beneath the table.

Their evenings were spent together with the boys, playing Fifa, talking, eating snacks, talking about the future.

"Have you decided what you want to do next?" Niall asked one evening while trying to throw popcorns into Liam's open and awaiting mouth. "After Rose Canyon, I mean."

"Well, Liam and I have decided to go travel together," Zayn said, looking pointily at Liam. "We want to see the world a little before we want to settle down."

"Any idea where you want to go?" Harry asked. He and Louis were sitting on Niall's bed, Louis sat between Harry's legs, back pressed to Harry's torso.

"France, definitely," Liam said just as a popcorn landed in his mouth. "Good aim, Nigel!"

"I always aim good," Niall shrugged, smiling proudly at himself.

"Whatever." Liam rolled his eyes, turning his gaze to Harry. "France too, need to take my man to the city of love, and America. Other than that... we will just have to wait and see. Depends on how much money we are going to get saved up during the summer."

"Sounds nice." Louis could hear the smile in Harry's voice.

"What about the two of you?" Zayn gestured toward Louis and Harry. "What are you planning to do?"

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