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"D-Daughter," Mrs. Jacobs stutters in shock, and I nervously look back and forth between her, her husband, and Nate. He's only known about her for a short time, too, and I imagine he wanted to tell his parents about her in a different way, but I'm tired of hiding her. He either accepts it or doesn't. "And your parents are okay with that?" Mr. Jacobs asks in a judgmental tone and I raise an eyebrow in challenge. I know he's not about to talk shit about my daughter. I don't care what he says about me, but not my baby. "What are you trying to say, Mr. Jacobs?" I ask him in irritation, and Aaron chuckles in amusement. "Don't fuck with mama bear," he comments and Nate rolls his eyes.

"Oh no, please don't misunderstand, Destiny. I'm sure Cal is just worried about your future and that of the child. You're still so young," Mrs. Jacobs tries to calm me, but the look on her husband's face makes my blood boil. How dare he? He is a pedophile asshole and he thinks he can judge me. "I'm not sure about that. From what I've heard your husband is no angel or an advocate for children's safety," I snap and she blinks in confusion as Mr. Jacob goes pale again. Yeah, that's right, bitch. I know everything.


"I think it's time for us to go. Come on, babe," Kyle interrupts Nate and as he lets his nickname for me slip, I close my eyes in regret. Nate is going to lose his mind. "Forgive me, Destiny, I didn't mean to upset you," Mr. Jacobs says and I glare at him. "When it comes to children, I get very protective. You understand why, right?" I ask him and I'm sure he heard my underlying warning. "Of course. A child is every parent's treasure," he replies, sounding strained, and glancing over at Nate. I look up at him, too, and for the first time in a long time, I don't mind his heated glare. Not when I'm pretty sure he's into some sick shit and knew about the Jules thing. And what he did to Tyler suddenly doesn't seem so uncharacteristic of him.

So I keep my head up high and glare back.

"Desi, let's go. Rue and Jules are looking for Gia and they probably need help. Besides, we should get Naomi and Rosie home," Kyle breaks the tense silence and I nod before turning away from Nate and looking at his family. "Good night," I say goodbye, then let Kyle lead me away.


No matter what Jules and I did, we just couldn't find Gia and it fucking scared me. Mom wanted us home by ten, so Jules and I split up. To think that we left Desi in a fucked up situation didn't even cross my mind and I do feel guilty about it. But Desi assured me that she wasn't mad. However, she didn't want to talk about the rest of the evening and her sudden reconciliation with Maddy or the viral chili pot drama, and honestly...I'm worried. She's been acting weird after the carnival.


"Gia! Naomi!" I shout around the area, trying to drown out the loud noises of the various attractions, but no response comes. After leaving the Jacobs booth, Kyle and I joined the search for Gia, only to find out that Naomi is with her. However, the two are untraceable and Rue and I are starting to get nervous. So, Kyle stayed in the area near my car to search there along with Rosie. Rue is searching near the Gravitron and where Jules is, I don't know.

Anyway, my search leads me back to the chili booths where many people have gathered. That's why I'm struggling to push my way through the crowd, keeping an eye out for my sister, but a loud announcement makes me stop.

"And this year's winner of the chili cook-off is... Cal Jacobs! Make it six years and running!"

The crowd erupts in applause and Mr. Jacobs proudly poses with the trophy handed to him while his family stands by his side. Nate looks like he'd rather be anywhere else and I'm about to walk away when loud off beat clapping sticks out from the fading applause. Confused, I watch as the crowd splits and Maddy dramatically walks towards the booth. "Yeah, I'm not supposed to be here right now, because I'm dressed like a hooker and none of you like me, but I just wanted to say congratulations," she says sassily, and the way Nate's jaw clenches makes me take a step forward. What is she doing? He's already pissed off. "Maddy, get out of here-"

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