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Back in my room, I lie down on my bed and place Rosalyn on my stomach. Her head rests comfortably on my chest and she snuggles into me. "I missed you so much, baby. Next time you and I will go to the park together, okay?" I tell her and play with the hair on her head. After a few minutes, her eyes start to flutter shut and I gently press a kiss to her forehead before closing my eyes too.


"Desi? Bitch, can you hear me?" Confused, I open my eyes and look around my room. "Maddy?" I ask sleepily and sit up straight. Rosalyn sits next to me and is tapping her tiny hands on my phone screen. To my surprise, she is in a FaceTime call with Maddy. "Desi, why the fuck is there a little baby on my display? Who is that?" Maddy asks and I take the phone out of my daughter's hand. This causes her to whine and I place a toy in her hand, with a yawn. "Maddy, if you see the baby, why are you cursing?" I ask my new friend and she rolls her eyes. "She doesn't understand me anyway. So who is this?" "My daughter," I answer and look at my watch. "What?!"

"Why are you still at home? The party is about to start," I change the subject and a unfamiliar voice answers. "She doesn't know what to wear. She keeps thinking about her asshole ex-boyfriend," replies a brunette girl with a vape in her hand. "BB, is right. He totally ruined my confidence. You know when somebody just constantly criticizes, like, everything about you?" Maddy asks and I scoff. "Definitely," I assure her and look over at Rosalyn who is engrossed in her toy. "Yep. That's, like, every guy," BB says, and a girl I didn't notice before speaks up. "You just need to catch a dick and forget about your troubles" "Girl, you just need to catch a dick," Maddy replies with an attitude and I wince at the curse words. "Seriously, Maddy, the best thing to do after a breakup is to fuck someone new, and then move on," the girl assures her.

"Please, Kat, remind me again how many guys you've fucked? And, oh, yeah, cat-fishing, that don't count," BB says and Maddy turns to her. "Can you not be a cunt for like, 15 seconds?" "Okay, guys, that's a lot of cussing. I have a baby right next to me, so I'm hanging up now. Maddy just put on whatever you want. Bye," I end the call and put my phone away. Having problems like this is new to me. While people my age are preoccupied with sex, drugs, social media, and fame, I was preoccupied with pregnancy, the breakdown of my family, and having to break up with my first boyfriend. Sometimes I wish I could have the experience of my peers for at least for one day. But then I'm reminded how grateful I am for my daughter.


Rosie and I join dad and Marta in the kitchen after our call with Maddy. "There you are. We're you trying to keep my granddaughter from getting her daily cuddles?" he asks and I smile before placing her in her highchair. "I would never. We both took a quick nap," I answer him and start preparing a plate of food for my child. "How are you feeling, Destiny?" Marta asks all of a sudden and I almost frown at the seriousness in her voice. "I'm fine, Marta. Thanks for asking tho" "It's just that I noticed the interaction between you and your mother earlier," she admits and I turn to her with a fake smile on my face. "I'm over it," I tell them and she frowns.

"Are sure about that, puddin? You know that you shouldn't hide your feelings after your postpartum depression. It's important that we know how you feel and when to step in," my dad tells me and I try not to show my annoyance. I'm better than I was months ago and he still won't let it be part of my past. "I've never been better" That's a lie and their faces clearly show that they don't believe me. But I just ignore their stares and serve Rosalyn her food. She squeals in happiness and starts grabbing the food with her hand and stuffing it in her cheeks. I watch her with a smile but my father has to ruin the moment again.

"I don't believe you, Destiny. We hired Marta because you needed somebody to help you in those times. You don't seem to have changed after a whole year. So just be honest with us. Do you need to go to therapy again?" Each word he said only makes me angrier. Like, what the fuck? Can't he just appreciate that I'm not depressed or trying to kill myself. "I'm happy. Stop asking questions," I tell them and clean Rosie's mouth with a wipe. "If you say so-"

"Dad, just stop talking! God, it's making me crazy. Just stop!"

My yelling startled Rosalyn and she starts to cry loudly. Guilt fills my heart and and tears of frustration well up in my eyes. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," I apologize and watch as Marta takes her out of the chair. "She knows that. It was our fault for angering you," she tells me and walks out of the kitchen to soothe Rosalyn. "I'm sorry, puddin. I'll stop asking questions...for now" "I'm really happy, dad. That's why I'm meeting my friend at the party," I lie again and his eyes light up with hope. "That's good to hear. You've been hiding in your room for far to long" "Yeah, I'm really excited so I better start getting ready"


Destiny hates lying to her father, but his concern sometimes suffocates her. She hasn't been able to drink, party or just be a teenager for almost two years. And that's not what really bothers her. It' s just that she had to go through all the pain and depression sober and with a clear head when she could've drowned in alcohol. Now that she has stopped breastfeeding Rosalyn, she can finally get some of her freedom back. I really don't understand how that shit works but she said so and I was too high to understand anyways.


After I got dressed, put on my makeup and did my hair, I slip on my heels, grab my phone and my keys. "I can't believe I'm doing this just to sell my lie," I mutter and walk downstairs. "I'll leave now," I tell my father and he looks up from his laptop. "You look pretty" "Thanks" He nods and focuses back on his work. "Have fun tonight," Marta says as she enters the room with Rosalyn in her arms. I kiss my sleepy baby on the cheek and smile at Marta before walking out the house. Even without turning around, I already know that my mother is observing me with watchful eyes. But for the first time, I simply ignore her and get into my car.


I pull up in front of Maddy's house and honk three times. Shortly after, her front door opens and she walks out with a grin. Kat and BB follow her. "Bitch, you came. Ugh, I fucking love you," Maddy says enthusiastically and gets into the passenger seat. "Yeah, yeah. Get in" Kat and BB sit down in the back. Luckily I have already removed Rosie's car seat. "Hi, I'm Destiny. Call me Dez or Desi. Whatever you want," I introduce myself to the two girls and we smile at each other before I start the engine and drive off.

Maddy connects her cell phone to my sound system and plays some music. The three of them sing along with the song and laugh the way teenagers do. Personally, I struggle to match their energy, but Maddy gives me no choice. Her reasoning is that she wants me to enjoy myself, and somehow I'm grateful to her for pushing me out of my comfort zone.


So, I was walking to McKay's party, because I have this rule that I don't drink and bike, 'cause like...

The four of us are rapping along with Megan Thee Stallion when Maddy suddenly stares out the window. "Is that...?" A few meters in front of us is a girl walks through the dark streets by herself and my worry flaires up a bit. "Oh, shit. Slow down. Dude, that's Rue. Oh my god," Kat says in shock and I pull over beside the girl. Sure enough, it's Rue, who I met at the gas station today. "Wait. Didn't Rue, like, die?" Maddy asks confused and I look over at her shocked. What the fuck? Why would she be dead? "Oh my god, I hate ghosts," BB says and I roll down Maddy's window. "Yo, Casper! You want a ride?" Kat calls out to Rue and she staggers over to the open window. For a moment she looks at all of our faces before she starts to grin.

"Why, thank you"

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