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The girls and I leave my car in front of McKay's house and walk towards the family home. It's a bit smaller than the one my dad and I have but apparently still big enough to host this bag ass party. The music booms loudly through the house and up into the driveway. Around us are intoxicated people our age, which makes me feel a little insecure. I've never been to a party before, but I don't think they're all like this.

The five of us enter the house and look around for a moment before splitting up. Kat and BB head in a different direction than Maddy and I, and Rue stumbles up the stairs. I look after her in concern, but Maddy pulls me into the kitchen. "Desi, you're too tense. Have a drink," she tells me and fills something into two red solo cups. "I've never really been to a party before," I confess, and she looks at me in shock. "Are you for real?" "My mother is very strict and religious. In her eyes, my sister and I should stay virgins until we get married and just focus on school" Her horrified expression amuses me because I reacted the same way when I was younger.

"Obviously it didn't work since you have a whole child-" Before she can finish her sentence I press her cup to her lips and take mine from her hand. "Show me how to party," I shout over the loud music and drink the full cup in one go. Warmth and an unpleasant burning sensation spread down my throat and I cough into the crook of my arm in surprise. "What the hell?" "Sorry, babes. That was pure vodka," Maddy says with a grin and finishes her cup before pulling me onto the dance floor.

The area is pretty crowded, but we both somehow still squeeze in between. The current song ends and In Da Club by 50 Cent starts playing through the speakers. "Oh my god, I love this song," I shout to Maddy and start moving my hips to the beat. "Bitch, me too" Maddy turns my back to her and starts dancing on me from behind. "What are you doing?" I ask flustered and she slaps my ass. "Stop talking and just dance, Desi" A little hesitant I continue to dance until my favorite part of the song comes on and I start grinding against Maddy. The heat from the alcohol continues to spread and I feel the bass vibrating through my body.


Now, there's a couple versions of what happened that night. It all depends on who you ask, and to be honest, I'm not always the most reliable narrator. But Nate was fucking on one. And in turn, Maddy was fucking on one. At first she danced with Desi on the dance floor before noticing Nate's eyes on her. Then she took the closest guy and started flirting with him. Desi stayed behind on the dance floor. After the cup of vodka she was already slightly drunk and her shyness disappeared. Most guys greedily watch as she throws it back or drops it low to the beat. Nate is one of them, however his eyes are also on Maddy while he is making out with a blonde.

It's fucking creepy if you ask me.

And that's right about the time that Jules decided to ghost her hookup and bike over to McKay's. Now, Jules texted Kat, but Kat didn't answer, because...


Tired of continuously dancing I walk out of the house and look around. Many people are gathered around the pool but I don't feel like getting near the water with all these drunk people. That's when I spot a couch in the back and walk over to it. The ginger haired guy from the gas station is already sitting there. "Hey. It was Fez, right?" I ask him and he looks up slowly. "That's right, Ma. Wanna join me for a bit?" His offer makes me smile and I have to admit that I love the nickname he's given me. I sit down next to him and awkwardly smile at him. He's fucking hot.

"You want some?" He holds up a joint and I stare at it uncertainly. My mom would beat my ass for smoking weed, but she already hates me. "Sure," I answer and take the joint from him. He watches as I take a few drags of it before I hand it back to him. "You ain't coughing your lungs out. Not your first time?" "I've tried it once or twice," I admit and he smiles. "That's what's up. I like you" His compliment makes me smile again and I close my eyes for a moment.

 𝗱𝘆𝘀𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗰 𝗲𝘂𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮 || [1] Nate JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now