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Another week has passed and I am happier than I have been in a long time. Most of you will probably say that I'm lying not only to you but to myself...and I don't disagree. But Jules combined with the drugs I still have from Fez are tricking my brain into believing I'm happy.

But I'm not the only one who talks herself into believing she's content. Desi had the most relaxing two weeks in a long time, and yet she felt lonelier than ever. But the new friendships she formed and the beautiful moments with her daughter can't take away the pain and suffering. You should probably never say this out loud, but most of those moments don't mean much to her anymore. Even if the joy and affection of others is true, Desi doesn't believe them because she doesn't really love herself like she used to. It's fucked up but true. As soon as she closes her eyes or has a moment to herself, she is haunted by loneliness.


The teacher let's me leave my class early to prepare for the cheerleader's pep rally during lunchtime. Maddy told me that this is what they do before a big game. Her, Cassie and I worked together a lot to come up with the perfect choreography. It should make the cheerleaders look good but also showcase my abilities as a choreographer and dance coordinator. I noticed that the coach has been keeping a close eye on my work, but she seems satisfied for now.

My phone starts ringing as I walk down the hall and I answer the call, while entering the cafeteria. "Hello?" A familiar crying sound can be heard in the back of the call and I frown. "Destiny, sweet child, I'm sorry for calling. She just won't stop crying. Rosie's temperature is also a bit high and she refuses to sleep. I need to get her some medicine but I'll need you too watch her while I'm gone," Marta says and I can feel my heart starting to race from worry. "How high is her temperature? Should I take her to the doctor?" I ask, frantically. "It's nothing to worry about but she's been coughing and crying for a while now. I think it's a cold"

Fuck, the coach expects me to be there for the performance. It'll look bad when I leave now, but my baby needs me. "Okay, the lunch break is about to start in 10 minutes and the performance is about 5 minutes long. I can leave after that but I didn't drive to school today. BB picked me up" "I could come and pick you up," Marta offers and I shake my head. "No. Please stay with Rosie and I'll find a way" "Alright. See you in a bit" She ends the call and I collapse on a chair next to me. Worry and frustration floods my body.

The doors to the cafeteria open and a few football player walk in with their jerseys on. Nate is amongst them but I ignore them and try to think of ways to leave the school after the performance. "You need some help, babygirl?" I slowly raise my head and look at the boy that approached me. He has a stupid smile on his face and shamelessly looks my body up and down. I'm wearing the cheer uniform because Maddy forced me to. "What do you want?" I ask in irritation and he takes a few steps closer.

"I think that's a question I should ask. What do you want? Because I can give it to you," he answers and I'm holding back an eye roll. I really don't have time for this. "Yeah, I'm not doing this with you rn" I get up from the chair and try to walk past him but he stands in my way. "You can't just leave me like that. It's rude-" "Get out of my face," I warn him and a deep voice calling for him makes us look over to the footballers.

Nate glares at him and threateningly walks over to us. "Is there a problem?" he asks and the other boy takes a few steps away from me. "No, her and I were just-" "I was leaving and you were going to stay out of my way" I interrupt him and walk off in annoyance. My phone vibrates in my hand and I look at the message Maddy sent me.

Maddy 💅🏻💸: we need you. Cassie's boobs don't fit in the uniform
Desi 💕💸: omw


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