I get into the elevator and feel my heart flutter with excitement. I saw him two weeks ago, which is a long time to go without seeing someone when you're dating. We FaceTime every night but he's busy with school work and I have been on a roll with my book lately.

The door opens and I walk down the hall until I'm in front of his door. I don't hesitate before opening it and walking in. I close and lock it behind me before going to his room. I can't wipe the smile off my face as I open the door and see him laying on his bed, on his phone. He looks over and his face breaks into a smile.

"Finally!" He yells as he hold his arms out.
I laugh before running over and jumping on him. He wraps his arms around me, tightly.

"You always smell so good," I mumble.

"Really?? I thought I needed a shower."

I pick my head up and he wastes no time, smashing his lips onto mine. I move one hand to his cheek before moving my thumb up and down. The butterflies in my stomach are ever present. I adjust my body so that I'm leaning over him and he smiles, "I love when you're on top."

I laugh, pulling away, then placing a kiss on his bare chest, "Like you know what that looks like."

I'm a virgin. I refuse to rush into something I might regret. I don't think it matters when I lose it, as long as I consent to it.

His smile widens, "I have something for you."

I perk up, "A present?"

He bites his lip out of excitement, "Yep."

I move off of him and he gets up. I sit at the edge of the bed as he goes to his closet.

"When we were FaceTiming the other night, you were complaining about this book series you want but your parents won't let you buy for some dumbass reason," He says as he searches through his closet.

"It contains violence," I remind him.

"Like I said," He looks at me over his shoulder, "A dumbass reason."

I laugh as I get up and walk over. He hands me Delirium by Lauren Oliver and I shake my head, "Are you going to spend every penny on books my parents won't let me buy?"

He lets out a breath and puts his hands on his hips, nodding, "Basically, yeah."

I chuckle at his response, "Did you see the covers?? They're so cool."

"I know right? The heart looks like it's hardening or something."

I look up and peck him, "Thank you."

He smiles, showing his dimples, "Mhm."

He leans down and kisses me again. I wrap one arm around his neck and pull him closer. He slips his hands under my hoodie, resting them on my waist. The warmth makes goosebumps rise on my skin. I pull away for a second, setting the books down on his desk behind him.

"I spent good money on those. Top dollar."

I roll my eyes with a small smile, "I'm sure you did."

I cup his cheeks and pull him back in.

I want this man to fuck me. I'm 100% ready. Right now.

I kiss him harder and he tightens his grip on me. He pulls me against him and I slip my hand into his hair.

"Stella.." He warns. Usually when we're kissing like this and it gets intense he tells me to "give him a minute." It's sweet.

"I want you," I whisper before biting his bottom lip. He groans before pulling away.

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