As they fight, John B makes his way outside, laughing at the twins antics. He looked around, seeing all the damage done.

Parker and JJ approach him, hearing him say to himself, "Oh, man." JJ slings his arm around John B, casually stating, "Agatha did some work, huh?" Parker slaps her brother before saying, "No shit, dumbass."

She then looks over at John B, seeing that he has gotten an idea. "What you thinkin'?" She asks him. John B smiles over at her, saying, "I'm thinkin' that the storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those drum are gonna chase the crab."

Her brother looks over at him, skeptical. "What about DCS? Wasn't that today?" Parker nods in agreement with JJ, realizing that he was right.

John B shakes his head, grinning. "Nah, they're not gettin' on a ferry. Come on, think about it. It's God tellin' us to fish."

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The twins and John B are now on the HMS Pogue, making their way towards Pope and Kiara. As they drive along, they greet the people working on clearing the docks.

"Hi, Miss Amy! You guys get through it?" Amy nods her head tiredly. "Still here."

They continue driving as JJ claims, "She totally looked at me." Parker nods her head, and John B says, "I saw it."

They continue to chat before they arrive at the Heyward dock. "Well look who we have here." JJ yells over towards their friend. John B then puts his hand over his mouth, mimicking static, "We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory."

Pope shoots them a wishful look, before replying, "I can't. My pop's got me on lockdown." Now it's JJ's turn to mimick static, saying, "Come on, man. Your dad's a pussy. Over." 

Parker smacks her brother, the only one seeing Heyward come out of the house. "Oh I heard that, you little bastard."

Parker then yells over to the man, saying, "We need your son." JJ nods in agreement, adding, "Yeah, and island rules. Day after hurricane's a free day." 

Heyward glares at the blond, questioning, "Who made that up?"

Parker jumps in, saying, "Pentagon, I think. We have security clearance. I have a card. You know, CIA, FBI." Heyward then aims his glare at the other blonde, saying, "Think I'm stupid?"

Pope then hesitantly starts to put the hose down, turning towards his dad. "I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow."

Heyward starts advancing on him slowly, angrily saying, "You think-- No, no. Hell no. You doin' it right now." 

Parker then whispers at her friend. "Get in the boat." Her brother starts to egg him on, whispering, "Make a run for it."

Heyward yells, "Boy, if you get in that boat--" Pope jumps, landing near John B. JJ claps him on the back, exclaiming, "How does that feel?" 

Pope nervously mutters, "Go, go, go." At John B. Heyward continues yelling at his son as the friends speed away. Parker glances over at Pope, saying, "Dude, I love your dad." Pope looks at her weirdly, while her brother exclaims, "That's only because he loves you. He hates all of us except you and Kiara."

Parker grins up at him from where she is laying down. They quickly make their way toward the Carrera dock, seeing Kiara sitting on the edge waiting for them.

Seeing the cooler, Pope questions, "Whatcha got? You got some juice boxes?" Parker looks up at her, excited. The girl grins down at the blonde, saying, "You know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks." 

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