Hey, hope you are doing okay. : Me ✔

Hoseok-sh asked me to look for a few apartments for you. : Me ✔

Do you have any requirements? : Me ✔

Be safe: Me ✔


Good Morning, Is it Kim Taehyung's number? : Me ✔

Tae 💜: Hey, Kookie. Yes, it's me! How are you doing?
Tae 💜: Sorry, busy days. Any apartment is fine with me.

Hey, I thought I had the wrong number. : Me ✔
and how are you doing, Tae? : Me ✔

Tae 💜: I'm good, u?

Better now.: Me ✔
I'm sending a few selected flats, too. :Me ✔
in case, you don't want to bring all your stuff.

Hoseok-sh said it'd be temporary.

Tae 💜: That works for me.
Yes, it is temporary, and in my humble opinion
unnecessary, but let me see what you got.

I'm sure you'll like it.:Me ✔

[File] ✔
[File] ✔
[File] ✔
[File] ✔

Easy like that. Jungkook sent Taehyung photos of apartments and he picked one that he liked: A short and comfy flat. Two days later, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook were bringing boxes up to Tae's new rented dwell.

For Taehyung, those sparkles he missed so much. Jungkook's deep dark eyes caused him so many emotions. For Jungkook, being in heaven wouldn't feel that good. He could see Taehyung hesitant, but his genuine boxy smile was there, paying the young Jeon a visit after years of shortage, yet now he hoped it was a forever stay.

On the other hand, Jung Hoseok was sure he would die of diabetes in the future after watching the sweet couple. Every time the younger locked eyes, they would stop for a few seconds and a soft smile would appear on their face, eyes, and lips pouring love into the air. The lawyer could almost taste the sugar. 

The couple would make fun of each other as if they were kids again. They shared stories of their younger selves with the lawyer. The time they fell in the lake, or their fights at school. Their mall hangouts or games at the park or in Jungkook's room. The bonding time was, for the three of them, an amazing time. Certainly, Jung Hoseok yelling "Let's get some pizza!" while shaking his butt in a squirrel way had them cracking in laughs.

"You were a rascal Taehyung, since your younghood," Hoseok commented remembering the times he saw the artist painting someone's face with punches because someone messed up with a skinny Jeon or a much talkative Park. Taehyung chuckled. He was. He put aside why. 

Soon the three of them were spread on Taehyung's living room carpet with their mouths full of cheese.

"I feel refreshed," Hoseok said, massaging his full of pizza belly, "Is that how it feels to hang out with the youth?"

"Hobi-hyung, you're not that older," Jungkook said. 

Hoseok had implied first thing when they met that morning that the young CEO would never call him Hoseok-sh again, and he had to choose between hyung, hope, or Hobi. Taehyung insisted Jungkook should join him and call him Hobi, just because.

"Of course, he is old, Kookie. You haven't seen him being all mother mode on me."

Hoseok made a disapproving face, "These ungrateful kids. We give him a house, food, and our love and that's how they thank us." The lawyer said in a high-pitched tone making both youngsters laugh hard.

Boyhood Friend (Part 02) - A Taekook FFWhere stories live. Discover now