A little Progress

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Hello, Everyone! How are you all doing? I do have many things in the oven but the dough has been so hard to get to the point! I hope you guys can be patient! Plus, I got lower back pain and can't be sitting or standing for long periods. Writing has been a challenge! Hate to be tall-ish T.T I feel like I'm in my fifties like my mom T.T

If you see mistakes or confusing parts, you're free to point them out. I'd appreciate it cause I've read this chapter too many times to see any mistakes. My apologies for that. I also apologize for the extra pain and fluffines in this chapter. There had been worse I'm sure haha

I'll stop rambling now.

Let's get this bread.


That hurt. Being ignored by Jungkook hurt too much. He was fidgeting, scared of what the other would say or do. Wasn't that the first time the younger teen was angry at him? He saw himself lost in thoughts at the cafeteria of the school.

He shouldn't have said anything. He knew Jungkook's opinion on that, and still, he couldn't say no to her request.

"What are you saying?" Jungkook asked him the night before. His face was already frowning and his eyes showed disbelief and hurt. He didn't raise his voice, but it was surely bitter and it was enough to scare Taehyung - enough to shut him down. "What do you want, Taehyung?" Oh, that hurt much more. When was the last time Taehyung heard his whole name being said by the younger one? He desperately missed the soft nickname, "That's not the first time you ask me about this. Do you really want me to go?" And that painful breaking in the younger's voice just collected a bunch of anxiety in the older. "Taehyung, answer me" Jungkook's doe eyes teared up looking at him, "please. D-Do you want me to go away? Is that so?"

He was at a loss for words. Seeing Jungkook upset scared him. He was afraid to lose Jungkook, to feel his rejection. He wanted to scream when he saw the glossy deep charcoal eyes, he wanted to shout out loud 'Sorry, please, don't leave me... don't be angry at me,' but projecting a word or trying to explain himself was impossible. He froze. He listened to the younger boy who was walking from one side to the other into their bedroom, mumbling angry words about his future and decisions. Taehyung would pick up only the words about him.

"I'm confused, you're saying you agree with them to send me away! I can't understand if you don't talk to me," His chocolate eyes widened at the tone- it was louder. He could feel himself breaking apart, 'I don't want you to go,' "WOULD YOU ANSWER ME, PLEASE?" He flinched and his body started trembling. He could see Jungkook's shoes in front of him, and he could smell the sweat scent of the younger one as he had just come back from one of his martial art classes. "Look at me, Taehyung." He did and what he saw broke his heart into pieces. Jungkook had tears streaming down his face and a mix of a defeated look with a wroth one. He felt the lump forming in his throat as he tried to swallow his yearning for crying.

Taehyung's brain worked in a dyslogistic rhythm. Memories of himself breaking down in front of his mother or stepfather came straight to him. The idea of himself being like his mother slathered his judgment. He broke into a painful sob and stormed out of the room, not even paying a second glance to see Jungkook's desperate state. He had to leave, because the idea of being as bad as his mother shattered him to pieces, but also... Jungkook probably knew, didn't he? That Taehyung was a useless existence, someone as blank as a sheet who could never do anything - be nothing. He wasn't ready to hear Jungkook saying that. He wasn't ready for Jungkook to call him names... slap his face... kick his sides.

His brain went down the hill with no breaks.

Jungkook would say goodbye, hating him.

He locked himself in the guest room, which was supposed to be his bedroom, and curdled himself into his closet, where his place in the world was; Far from everyone to stop his curse from hurting others. Nothing took him out of there. Not Jungkook knocking at the door. Not Mr. Jeon's voice stopping Jungkook from barging in, and much less his will. He spent the night with his monsters and ghosts, tears and trembles. A complete relapse into who he believed strongly he was - A cursed being.

Boyhood Friend (Part 02) - A Taekook FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ