Albus Loses His Cool

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Albus POV

"I AM UTTERLY APPALLED AT YOUR BEHAVIOR!" I roared across the tops of my students heads. My loud earth rattling shout sending even Snape quivering in his seat.

My once merry eyes that used to twinkle in delight. Now hardened and filled with disgust. My robes billowing around me in rage as my magic reacted to my mood. Causing a chill to spread throughout the great hall. The torches dimming and casting shadows across the faces peering fearfully up at me.

"I can not believe you all would act this way. Treating a little second year with so much hatred. For a gift that is seen as a blesding in india. If the heated loooks weren't bad enough. You had to take it a step further. Hexing him in the halls. Tripping him on the stairs. Destroying his belongings, and thats only the tip of the iceburg. You all disgust me. If this is how students of, what is supposed to be, the best school of magic in Britain acts like. I shudder to think what our society will look like in the future." Heads hung low at my words. Looks of guilt crossing most of the hufflepuffs faces, discomfort on the Raven, and disintrest on the Slytheryns, but the wrost reactions were by far the Griffindors. The home of the brave. Pure hatred and disgust shone on almost all of the Griffindors faces. The only ones not looking at me with hate. Were Neville who was sobbing his eyes out over his friends treatment of Harry, and the twins who were comforting him.

"That is why. I have decided since you can't seem to act like the responsible young witches and wizards I know you are. I am afraid I must punish the whole school. Except for 5 individuals. The only 6 who were brave enough to stand against the whole school and protect their friend. They will be the only ones who will be exempt from these punishments I will announce. They are:

Neville Longbottom. Who even admist bullying of his own stepped in front of a boils hex so young Harry wouldn't be hit. Who attempted to hide Harrys things from the greedy eyes of his roommates. In hopes of saving some of his things from their wrath.

Fred and George Weasley. Who acted as body guards and pranked anyone who dared to try to harm their friend. Even going so far as to stand up against family.

Luna Lovegood who would use her abilities as a seer to warn Harry of danger. Thus saving him from some nasty attacks that could have landed him in saint mungos.

Draco Malfoy. Who stood up to his own house and defended harry from some of the more vicious attacks. Its because of Draco malfoys quick actions in getting professorsnape yesterday. That we did not lose one of our own to suicide." At that there were gasps of horror. As the students finally realized what had happened.

"Yes thats right. Because of you harsh bullying of a fellow student. Young Mr. Potter attempted to end his life last night. Its only thanks to Draco Malfoy coming upon Harrys bleeding form and sending a potronous message to professor snape. That harry is still alive. Mr. Malfoy tore off the hem of his own uniform in a desperate attemp to stop the bleeding. I have been informed that if he had not done this. Mr. Potter would not have made it.

Whats worse is the fact. Harry upon waking in the infirmary began crying. Telling me everything of the horrors he faced. Which included the fact that young mr. Malfoy was not the first to come upon his dying form. No infact. His very own friend Ronald Weasley. Came upon him first before Harry lost consciousness. Instead of helping the boy and getting help. Harry informed me Ronald merely spit on him. Sneering at him to die faster. Before walking away. He has been expelled and is pending charges at the minstry as we speak." Whispers broke out at this. Students all of course the hall casting glances at the bushy haired witch sitting alone beside Ginny. Avoiding everyone's judgemental stares as she buried her face in her hands. Face flaming in rage.

"Now as for your punishment." Silence falks at this. Everyone turning back to regard me with weary fear.

"As only those 5 students mentioned previously stood up for Harry. They are they only ones exempt from punishment.

The first punishment will be. For the rest of the year all Quiditch games, practice and hogsmade trips. Are here by cancelled till next year." The hall filled with voices. All shouting their protest over the punishment but I was not having it. They have unleeased the beast and now must face my wrath.

"SILENCE!!" I bellowed. Shutting them up in seconds.

"I care not for your protests. You all participated. So you all will partake in the consequences. Now the second punishment will be. For the rest of the year barring those 5 and anyone with special medical requirements. Will only the necessitys at meal times. In other words. For the rest of the year. There will be no more sweets, treats, dessert, pumpkin juice, or the like at meal times. Just vegtables,fruit, bread, and meat, and water. No greasy foods. No sugery drinks. You will also have an earlier cufew. All students, but those 5, must be back in their dorms by 6 pm each night. Anyone but the 5 listed previously, seen wandering the halls past then. Will be serving detention with Flich helping clean the dirtiest parts of hogwarts he can find for a month, with no magic." Shudders ran down the students backs at the thought.

"All house points will be erased and set in the negative one thousand. At the end of the year. Any house still in the negatives will recieve further punishment. To be decided later. All perfects are now on probation for not doing anything to stop the abuse happening in your houses. One more toe out of line and your badges will be taken from you.

Now that is all for the group punishments, but for a few special students. They will be receiving additional punishments for doing worse.

For one Hermonie granger. You hated the fact Harry come do something you couldn't. You resented him for a gift he was born with. So much that you constantly tore up his homework and setting a charm so he couldn't magically repair it. Forcing him to have to redo it. You then broke into his room and destroyed his things. Neville was able to save his cloak, but you still managed to destroy something precious to him. His photo album of his parents. For your extra punishments. I will be sending a letter to your parents with a list of items you destroyed along with the cost of each item. You will replace everything you destroyed or pay Harry the amount each item cost. As for the photo Album. You will work with Hagrid and professor Snape in contacting all of the potters friends. You will find a way to replace the album you destroyed. You will be removed from the running of ever becoming perfect." Miss Granger sniffled at this. Hanging her head in dismay.

"Next to one Ginny Weasley. You at first attempted to comfort Harry when the bullying began, but when he rejected your feelings for him. You lashed out. Called him a dirty Slytheryns and cast the bat boogey Hex on him. You then proceeded to hex him every chance you got. Even accusing the Slytheryns of leading him astray and attempting to bully them. For this I have decided to have you resorted into Slytheryns. You will remain in that house for the rest of your years at hogwarts. I hope that by spending 7 years in your new house it will teach you that not all Slytheryns are evil." At my words Ginnys uniform changed from red to green and with a snap of my fingers Ginny appeared at the Slytheryns table. Casting a nonverbal silencing spell on the screaming red head shouting profanities at me. I turned back to the hall at large. As I finished my lecture.

"I hope these punishments will help you remember. It is bever ok to bully someone. No matter the gifts they may or may not have. Luckily Harry survived this but the next kid may not be so lucky. As it stands Harry will be taking the rest of the year off. I expect you all to treat him with respect when he returns next year. Do I make myself clear."

"Yes headmaster!" They grumbled. Glaring up at me. Nodding I waved them off. Already turning away to head up to my office.

"Good. Dismissed." Hopefully next year they will think before they attack. Ugh what a horrible year.

The End

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