Not Without A Fight

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James POV

"Its him Lily. Take Harry and go."

"But James..."

"Theres no time. Just go Lily! Take my cloak. I left it in Harrys room."


GO NOW!" I roared. Fear lightening up my eyes. As I glanced between the front door and my tearful wife. With a sob. She quickly gave me one last kiss. Before rushing toward the confused baby in the play pin.

I watched with a aching heart as she scooped Harry into her arms. With one last sorrowful gaze my way. She raced upstairs. Facing the now glowing door. I gulped in dread. Cursing myself for forgetting my wand in my office. I know I am all but dead meat now, but if I am to die. I will die fighting.

Changing into my amigus form of a stag and glared the door down. Watching in terror but determination as the door is blasted in. Pawing the ground. I glare at the stunned dark wizard in front of me. His deer in the headlights gaze making me internally smirk as I charge toward him.

Lowering my head to jam my antlers through his vulnerable stomach. Voldermort breaking from his shock. Frantically begins muttering the killing curse. Only to cut off a moment later as he is forced to dodge in order not to be skewered.

Pawing the floor again and turning toward the furious dark wizard. I once more charge toward him at the same time he finishes the spell of death.

The last thing I see as the deathly green light engulfs me. Is my antlers stabbing into his side. Earning a scream of agony from Voldermort as I crumble to the ground. Eyes closing I pray that Lily found my invisibility cloak and was able to escape with Harry.


Lilys POV

"Where is it." I frantically mutter. Placing Harry momentarily in his cot and scouring the room for the cloak. I am just about to give up and take my chances. By jumping out the window with Harry. When I see A little barn owl sitting on the window sill. A note attached to its leg.

Curious I glance toward the locked bedroom door to make sure its still closed. Before reaching over and untying the note. Once released of its burden. The little owl ruffles its feathers before soaring from the room.

Unfurling the parchment. I frown down at the words etched in a familiar scrawl.

Dear Lily, and James.

Wanted to let you know. I am borrowing your invisibility cloak. I would say I would bring it back, but after tonight I doubt you will be alive to return it too. Have fun with Tom.

Sincerely Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

P.s. This note will automatically destroy itself once read.

I growled In rage as the note as promised went up in flames. Forcing me to drop the note least I be burned. That traitorous old man. I bet he knew Peter would betray us from the start. The door bursts open as I am frantically trying to think of what to do.

Rushing to stand between Voldermort and my son. I glare the monster down with watering green eyes. My gaze briefly glancing toward the shallow wound in his side.

At least James went down fighting. I thought as Voldermort slowly glided toward me.

"Stand aside. I only seek the boy." He softly intones. Raising his wand to my chest. Lip trembling. I jut out my chin. Refusing to move.

"Leave my son. Take me instead. He's just a baby." I pleaded. making sure I was fully blocking Harry from view.

"Move aside silly girl. The boy is not worth your life." He repeats. Red eyes boring into my soul. Making me shiver in dread. Still I refuse to moove.Shaking my head in denial.

"No please kill me instead. Leave my baby." He scowls at this. Yet still no green light comes from his wand.

"Last chance. Move or die." Taking a deep breath to steel my nerves. I jut out my chin. Glaring him down. Even as my hands begin to tremble.

"No please take me instead."

"Fine be it on your own head. Avada Kadava."

"I love you Harry." I whisper as the green light engulfs me. Ending my life. The last thing I see before my world turns black. Is the monster turning his wand on my poor baby boy. Closing my eyes I feel one last tear fall down my cheek as the world turns black.


Dumbledores POV

What a foolish girl. I think as I watch safely beneath the invisibility cloak as Lily potters life is snuffed out. She should of just stepped aside. Oh well. If she had I would of just killed her after Tom left anyway. Can't have any witnesses survive. Now for the baby.

I watch in glee as Tom approaches the whimpering childs crib. Pointing his wand toward the babys forehead. Thoughts of the endless amounts of gold that will soon be mine. Thanks to Tommy boys fear of the prophecy and targetting the potters. I was able to convince James to sign over all rights to his wizermognt seats and vaults while he and his wife and child are in hiding. If they die before the war is over. I have full control of all of it. Unless another potter 15 years of age takes up their rings and takes back their vaults.

After Tom Kills Harry though. There will be nothing standing between me and endless riches. I can practically taste the gold. Of course I will have to kill Tom once Harry is dead but oh well. It will only give me more fame. Maybe I will even get another order of Merlin. Hmm I like that idea.

"Goodbye Harry Potter." Toms hatefilled voice drew my attention from my thoughts. Watching in excitement as the green light sped toward the baby. I felt my jaw drop as instead of killing him. The spel was bounced off a golden shield humming with power. Sending it rocketing back to a horrified Tom Riddle.

I gap in disbelief as Tom is turned to dust. His darkened soul. flying from the room. Roaring in rage. As little harry. stands in his cot sobbing. A new fresh cut in the shape of a lightening bolt on his forehead. Furious. I am just about to lift my own wand and end the miserable nuisances life myself. When that idiotic black charges in. Sobbing at the sight of the dead Lily Potter.

Stumbling over to the cot. Sirius trembling hands. Scoop up the sobbing child. Soft reassurances spilling from his lips. Scowling in anger. I apprate from the room. Straight to my office. Where I call up Hagrid and send him to retrieve the baby. My plans may have failed, but one way or another that fortune will be mine.

I just need to make sure the brat is too weak and submissive to go up against me. I'm sure a few years with his abusive aunt will fix the whelp. Yes this will work nicely, and if I'm lucky. They will kill the brat before he is able to attend Hogwarts.

Pulling out a fresh piece of Parchment. I begin to write. A smirk pulling at my lips as new plans begin to form.

"Dear Petunia and Vernon Dursley..."


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