Brat V.S. Toad

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"Good evening Petunia.  I assume he is in the kitchen?" Dumbledore tiredly asked. An exhausted slump to his rainbow robed shoulders.

"You told me this wouldn't keep happening.  I thought that amulet was supposed to protect him." Aunt Pentunia spat. An angry flush to her usually pale face.

"Yes well. I admit I failed to account for a determined little boy." Dumbledore admitted sheepishly stroking his beard as he stepped into the house. The door slamming behind him.

"Its the 10th time in 5 weeks." He paused at this. A contemplative look in his blue bell eyes.

"Well." He slowly began. A twitch to his lips.

"We could always leave him like that?"

"I can't stay married to a toad! What will the neighbors think?" Petunia screamed.  Angrily stomping her foot in frustration. All while I watch quietly from the barred hole in the cupboard door.

Let me back up a tick. Your probably wonder what the crap is going on. Well let me start by saying. My name is Harry Potter and I have magic. Whats this you say? How could I know I have magic when my family hates the mention of the word. Well it all began on my 6th birthday.

"BOY GET OUT HERE AND MAKE MY BREAKFAST!" Uncle Veron screamed. Pounding on the cupboard door before slidding free the lock. So I could exit. An unhappy slump to my shoulders.

"And don't you dare burn my bacon else you will be feeling the end of my belt." He snapped slapping me upside the head as I passed.

"Yes uncle Vernon." I grumbled shuffling tiredly to the stove where a little wooden stool sat. Climbing carefully on the stool after grabbing a package of bacon from the fridge. I carefully began laying the bacon on the frying pan. Watching it pop and crackle beneath its own grease. Listening with half an ear as aunt Petunia coddled the great whale of a boy known as my cousin.

"Oh my sweet dumde kins. Don't you look just precious in that sailor suit." Peeking over my shoulder. I quietly snickered at the beachball of a boy pouting in a cutesy white and blue sailors suit. Though in hindsight I probably should have kept my curiousity at bay. For Vernon the great toad. With ears like an elephant heard my quiet snickering and whipped around. Eyes flashing in pure malice as he lumbered toward me.

"THINK ITS FUNNY TO LAUGH AT MY SON DO YOU! I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO LAUGH ABOUT!" He roared banging his hand down on the handle of the pan. Causing hot grease to fly toward me. Barely I managed to avoid the grease landing on my face but my arms weren't so lucky. I screamed in agony. Falling from my stool and crumbling to the floor. Clutching my arms in pain as Vernon cackled above me.

Feeling a hot rage begin to consume me. Tears of anger and pain in my eyes. I gazed up at the cackling monster of a man. A warm feeling spreading from my heart outward before with a bang. Vernon vanished in a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared all that remained was a fat green warty toad.

Petunias and Duddleys screams filling the kitchen as I stared in shock at what I just did. Of course I was locked in my cupboard for the rest of the week for that but I could still see the moment a white haired stranger came to the door from the slit at the top of my cupboard door. I watched in awe as with a wave of his wand Vernon turned from a toad back to a man. His mustache twitching in irritation as he grumbled under his breath. It was at that moment I knew magic was real.

It took me a while to figure out what I did to turn him into a toad that day. It wasn't until my 7 birthday that I was able to replicate the magic and once more Vernon the great toad appeared, and agsin I watched from my cupboard as the white haired man came to turn him back. After that it became simple.  Anytime Vernon got on my nerves. With a single hate filled look whoosh he was a toad and whoosh the white man appeared. I later learned after his 100th visit that his name was Dumbledore, but I didn’t care.

Dumbledore after my 9th birthday gave Vernon an amulet that was supposed to stop young childrens magic from affecting him, and for a while it worked. I couldn't turn him. That is until my letter came and Vernon refused to give it to me. Then I was so angry. So mad that poof. Vernon once more was a toad. By this point Petunia was more resigned to it then anything. She just took one look at the now toad of her husband and sighed. Getting up from the table coffee clutched firmly in her hands.

"I'll message Dumbledore again." Which brings us to now. In the past 5 weeks I have turned my uncle into a toad a total of 10 times.  Even Dudley doesn't react anymore to the sight of his dad being a toad. He just takes one look at his dad and rolls his eyes and says..

"Mom Harrys turned dad into a toad again."

"How about this. I was going to send Hagrid in a week to take him school shopping, but since I'm already here. Why don't I just take him early." Dumbledore suggested.

"Whatever fine take the brat. Just return my husband." She spat marching over to my cupboard annd unlatching it. Before marching into the living room with her newly human husband shuffling awkwardly behind her.

"Hello my boy. Nice to officially meet you. You know my child its not very nice to turn your uncle into a toad. After all they do love you my b..." I didn't even let him finish that sentence.  A rush of anger once more consuming me before with a pop Dumbledore was gone. In his place a warty little toad.


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