All This Time

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"Lily can you get me an envelope from my office. I wanted to send a reply to padfoot." James called from the dining room table. His quill furiously moving across a white paper.

"Will do. Be right back." I cheerily reply putting harry carefully in his play pen and heading toward the office. It had been months since Dumbledore warned us of Voldermort coming to kill harry. 2 months since the charm over our safe house was cast and Peter was named as secret keeper. In those 2 months I have noticed some weird expressions on my dear husbands face.

Almost as if he were worried about something. Just the other day I noticed him rummaging through his bottles of potions. An anxious look on his face as he held up an empty glass bottle. Though he wasn't aware I had seen this until I asked him about it later. In which case he forced a smile and shooed off my question. Changing the subject. The next day those specfic potions I had seen had been moved before I could look at them.

Normally I wouldn't think anything of it but I don't know. Something about the whole situation is making me wary. Its as if my insticts are all screaming at me that something is wrong. Very wrong, but I can't figure out what.

Shaking myself from my thoughts I quickly pulled an envelope from James neatly organized office. I was just turning to leave when I noticed a black notebook. Bound by twine. Sitting on his desk. One I had never seen before. Normally I would have brushed it off as one of James many work notebooks but something about that book just seemed to compell me to look at it closer. Shrugging and setting down the envelope I decided to take a quick peek. It couldn't hurt right?

Oh how wrong I was. For the moment I sat down and touched the book a surge of magical power shot up from the book. Incasing me in a brillant golden glow. The moment the magic had faded I felt myself pale as my mind for the first time cleared of all potions and spells. It was than I realized what this book was.

It was a magical diary. One that James had created with a set of cleansing charms. So that if he were ever placed under a spell. The moment he touched his diary at night. The cleansing charms would wipe out the spells. It also had a compulsion on it. In case the spell James was under made him avoid his diary. The compulsion charm would compell anyone who saw the diary to touch the cover. Allowing the cleansing charms to work.

James had told me about this feature on his diary yet for some reason when asked he would always refuse to let me see it. Now I know why. The prat must have forgotten he left this on his desk. I could feel tears well in my eyes as I realized all these years were a lie. My love for James was nothing more than a love potion keyed to him. No doubt he slipped it in my pumpkin juice while comforting me after Snape called me a mudblood.

Speaking of Snape now that I think of it. My usual anger when even hearing his name is no longer there. Thinking about it a moment I felt myself freeze as I realized why that was. The utter Jerk. He spelled me to hate Snape. He must have used a hatred spell on me when I turned my back to him that day when Snape called me a mudblood. Its a spell that once placed takes a persons anger for another and twists it into hatred and rage. Now that I think of it I did think it wierd that such a simple slip of the tounge would cause such hatred to brew in my heart. Yeah I was mad and hurt but it was an accident and he did try to appologize multiple times.

By this point I was litterly shaking with rage. Opening the book and flipping to the day Snape called me a mud blood I began to read. My anger rising with each word written.

"Heya old friend,

Its me again. You will never guess my good fortune today. So you know old sniveleus and Lily. While today as usual I was teaching old snivel butt a lesson when Lily appeared and started chewing me out. It was than that it happened. Snivel called the girl a mudblood. Yeah I know it was in the heat of the moment. Yeah he didn't mean it, but it was the perfect opportunity. So the moment Lily turned her back, a hurt look on her face. Turning her attention to her friend. I cast a silent hatred spell while everyone was distracted. It worked like a charm. Normally old Lily would have just distanced herself for a few days and kept to herself, but eventually forgive the bat. With the spell though she became a harpy. Raging at Snivel bat and calling him sniverlus. It was hilarious. Even better during dinner she even allowed me to comfort her and while she was crying into my shoulder I slipped a love potion into her drink. It was wonderful. The moment she took a sip a love struck look came over her face and with in moments she was kissing me. Let me tell you best kiss of my life. Not only did I get the girl of my dreams but now sniverlus is truly friendless. Now if only he would do everyone a favor and jump off a bridge. Anyway I got to go. Sirius just showed up talking about some prank he pulled on the bat. Something about the shrieking shack."

My hands were trembling by this point as my blurred eyes stared unseeing at the page. My bottom lip trembling as I attempted to process this new information. James had... James lied to me. He... Tears were streaming from my eyes by now as I shakily got to my feet. Stumbling unseeingly into the dining room. Where James still sat at the table. My precious harry bouncing joyfully in his playpen not far away from the traitor. A goofy smile on his innocent face.

"Hey Lils did you get the..." He trailed off his face paling in horror as I slammed the book on the table in front of him. Swallowing nervously he hesitantly meets my gaze.

"A love potion? You have been dosing me with a love potion!?" I screeched my eyes blazing in fury.

"Lily I..."

"All these years a lie. For what to prove your self superior to Snape? Speaking of Snape how dare you spell me to hate my friend! He was my best friend and now because of you he thinks I hate him!" He huffed at this. Crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. A scowl on his face.

"He called you a mud blood." He reminded scowling at me. I rolled my eyes at this.

"Oh and like you haven't done things you regret." I huffed angrilly. My eye twitching in frustration.

"Besides spell or not I distinctly remember him attempting to appologize multiple times. He even defended those kids others called mud bloods. He has in my opinion made up for his mistake ten fold. Actions speak louder than words don't you think?"

"He's a death eater!!" He tried hoping to earn my anger once more against my childhood friend. I laughed at this my eyes dead as I glared him down.

"He is not. If you remember Dumbledore and him came up with that stupid plan for him to be a spy in the enemy ranks. Dumbledore explained this to us before we went into hiding since we were in danger. Though we are the only other one's to know this. Anyway thats not the point. You lied to me! All these years have been nothing but a lie!" I snapped picking up my baby boy from his play pen and heading for our room.

"Where are you going?" He demanded rising from the table and starting to follow me.

"Away from you. As soon as the threat of Voldy is taken care of I am leaving and don't.." I never got a chance to finish my sentence as at that moment the door blasted open. Revealing the grinning face of Voldermort. Peter had betrayed us.

"LILY GO ITS HARRY HE WANTS! I WILL HOLD HIM OFF!" James shouted blocking my escape and pulling out his wand. Fear and determination strong in his eyes. Racing to our room. I slammed and locked the door. Placing a spell to keep everyone out. I could hear shouting from the living room before Voldermort cruel voice broke through James shouts. Followed by deathly silence. A few minutes later the door blew open. Placing Harry in his crib. I blocked him from view. Glaring hatefully at the monster before me.

"Move aside girl." He snapped pointing his wand at me.

"No please not Harry. I beg you spare my Harry." I begged casting spell after spell at him. My eyes desprate as I tried to protect my now crying baby. Which he easily blocked each spell before disarming me.

"Enough move aside or die." Throwing myself at him. I attempted to claw his eyes out with my nails. Desprate to save my child unaware that my magic was reacting to my desperation and weaving a very old and complicated spell.

"Please not Harry take me instead please."

"Fine than die. Avada Kadavbra." He spat pointing his wand at my chest. The moment the green light hit me. The spell my magic was weaving was complete. Only I noticed as I lay there my eyes slowly closing. The golden light suddenly surround my child before it vanished. It was at that moment I knew no matter what happened my baby would be alright. With that I allowed the darkness to consume my vision for the last time.

The End

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