18. Spitfire

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Matilda was out to eat with Gracie for lunch the day after that party. She was practically glowing, Tilly wasn't sure if she had ever seen her best friend look so happy. 

"She was just... she is so perfect. Her body, her smile, her personality... everything, Tilly, everything." 

Matilda smiled and took a bit from her Mac and cheese. "I am so glad, Grace. What do you think the future holds for the both of you?" She asked. Gracie smiled. "We are going to take it slow, especially since she just got out of a relationship but we both really want it to blossom into something more." She said. 

"I think I'm in love with Harry Styles." 

Gracie almost spit out her Pepsi. "What the fuck? How do you just say that out of nowhere without warning me? You're in love with him?!" 

Matilda giggled and nodded. "Yeah, I've completely and effortlessly fallen in love with him. I've slept with him twice," 


Tilly laughed and continued, "And he is just a magical person. I love him." 

Gracie smiled at her best friend. "Matilda Ryan! That is great! Have you told him yet?" She asked and Matilda shook her head. 

"No... This is the first time I have ever said it out loud." 

Gracie laughed and shook her head, "You are something else, Tilly." 


After eating lunch, the two girls went shopping then got back to Matilda's dad's house. 

"Your dad has a dinner tomorrow night so I have to get to work. You are also expected to go to it, sweetheart. I might go too though." 

Tilly slowly nodded. "Get me something great to wear." She said and Gracie giggled. "You know I got you." She said. 

Harry FaceTimed her and she answered. "Hey, Harry." She said and Gracie gasped, running to Tilly's side. "James Dean!" She exclaimed. 

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Hello, Gracie. What have you two been up to today?" He asked, he was always interested in what Matilda was doing and in her friends which made Matilda very happy. 

"We ate lunch then spent the rest of the afternoon shopping. Me and dad have a dinner tomorrow night so we got some different clothing to try to put together for it." 

He smiled. "I can't wait to see what you pick out for Tilly." He said to Gracie. Matilda blushed. 

"Oh don't worry, she is going to look hot as fuck." 

Matilda gasped and slapped Gracie's arm playfully. "Shut the fuck up!" She laughed and Harry smiled. "I can't wait to see. Well I will talk to you gals later, I have some things I need to do. I'm going back to Manchester tomorrow because I need to get to the studio. There's a song I want to go on and record." He said. 

Matilda looked a little upset but hid it well. "Oh, how long are you going back for?" She asked. Gracie sensed her best friend was a little upset about it. 

"Until Christmas Eve so I can spend it with you, your dad already gave me an invitation to his party that night." 

Matilda nodded with a smile. "That sounds good, hun. I didn't even know he sent them out yet, I'm glad you got yours." She said. 

He nodded and when they got off the phone, Matilda sighs a bit. "You ok, Bub?" Gracie asked and Matilda shrugged. 

"I wish he would have told me he was going back, although maybe it was a spur of the moment thing. It's ok, it won't be too long and I will be going to Manchester with him." She said and Gracie nodded. 

"And besides bitch, you have me." She said with a smirk and Tilly laughed. "Thanks, Gracie, that means a lot." 

They spent the rest of the night fixing up potential outfits for the dinner then once they got done, they went to Matilda's room and fell asleep watching a movie. 

Matilda // A Harry Styles Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now