03. Out of the Woods

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Tw: Abuse

"Tilly, wake up!"

Matilda woke up confused, looking around and seeing Gracie standing over her. She then glanced at the time. It was 2 in the afternoon. Shit, she thought.

"You slept literally all day. You have to start getting ready for the dinner. /And/ you have to tell me about your date with Harry!"

"It was not a date," Tilly said this matter of factly. Gracie frowned. That was not a good sign. "What happened?" She asked.

Matilda sat up in the bed and looked at her. "I kissed him. I have a boyfriend and I kissed him, Grace! I called jasmine because I didn't know what to do and she's probably already told Li by now!"

Gracie sat down beside her as she started sobbing. She rubbed the girls back. "Ok ok, calm down... it'll be ok." She said. As soon as she said that, Tilly's phone rang.

"It's Lionel," she whispered scared. Gracie frowned. "Oh god... well, what's the worst that'll happen? Hell just break up with you..."

By the fear in Tilly's eyes, she knew that wasn't the case. It could be worse. "He... he bruised your arms, Til, didn't he?" Upon Tilly's nods, Gracie jumps up.

"Over my dead FUCKING body he'll hurt you again!"

Matilda shook her head and answered the phone. "Hello...? Hey... I... Lionel, please just-... ok. Ok, yes! I didn't mean for it to be a date. I-" Tilly puts the phone down as she had been hung up on. She tries to call him back but he blocked her. As soon as she made this realization her phone dinged. It was Facebook. Lionel made a status that he was now dating jasmine.

The betrayal that Tilly felt was unimaginable. She showed Gracie. "Oh, Til... he's not worth the tears. That's probably why Jasmine told him. They've probably been banging on the side this whole time behind your back. That's good, let them have each other. They'll regret how they did you once you're married to Harry styles." Gracie said.

"Grace, I blew that too. He got me a birthday cake for my birthday tomorrow and what did I do? Run out. I kissed him and ran. He has no use for me now; I can promise you that."

Gracie smiles. "He got you a cake? Aw.. he's as perfect as I dreamt he was." Tilly frowned. "Gracie!" She yelled and Gracie frowned. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's Harry Styles, Til..." she said with a pout and Tilly shook her head. "No, I'm sorry... everything just sucks."

Gracie stood up and took her hand. "You know what always makes me feel better, Til?" Tilly shook her head and Gracie smiled big. "Trying on clothes! You have a very important dinner in three hours, let's get you ready!" She squealed and pulled Tilly out of the bed.


At the dinner party, Tilly looked around in anticipation for the musician. She had to apologize, even if he didn't want to talk to her. She hadn't even spotted him until she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was him.

"Tilly, we really need to talk." His calming voice made her feel like she was on a cloud. It was a breath of fresh air from the way she had felt the past 16 hours. "I agree," she said and they slipped out to the back garden together.

"Tilly, if I made you uncomfortable, I'm completely sorry. I misread the situation and I feel terrible." He said and Tilly frowned. She then explained everything to him. How she didn't go into it as a date at first and how her toxic now ex had been with her. She tells him how at the end of the night, she felt so great and excited that she kissed him then once she realized what she had done to both Harry and Lionel, all she could do was run. She then tells him how she called her "best friend" and how that backfired. She explains what happened earlier as well and how now she knows that her past relationship had been built on toxicity and lies.

Harry stood in disbelief at the loaded explanation. All he knew to do was hug her. And having already been emotional while talking, she finally let it all out when he hugged her.

"Dear, you shouldn't ever let him or anybody treat you like that. Someone hurting you isn't good at all. I am sorry you went through that. And for the record, I like you a lot. We should do something else soon. How much longer are you in town?" He said this in an attempt to lift her spirits and get her excited for something.

"Two more weeks," she said softly and pulled back from the hug to look at him. His damn eyes always had her swooned. "You'd really wanna do something else? Is this a date?" She asked and he smirked, shaking his head.

"Let's not call it a date yet, alright? You just got out of a relationship and I don't think you should push anything, you know?"

She smiles and nods. He was so caring and so smart. She wouldn't want to hurt him too, in case she wasn't ready. A slow and steady friendship that could possibly turn into something more is exactly what she needed at the moment. That was for sure.

"I like the sound of that. Wanna go for breakfast in the morning?" She asked and he nods. "Oh definitely! I know a perfect place, alright? I'll be there to pick you up in the lobby at 8am in the morning, ok dear?"

She nodded and with that, he kissed her cheek. "Im going back in now. Need to mingle with some people. I'll see you in the morning." And with that, he had walked back into the building.

After standing there for a second to comprehend what the fuck had just happened, she went back in and pulled Gracie aside and told her everything.

"Tilly this is huge!" Gracie yelled this and Tilly quickly shushed her. "Let's not tell the whole party, yeah?" She said with a light laugh. Gracie nodded. "Sorry... what do you think you should wear? It's not a date right?" Gracie asked.

"No, it's not... and I don't know. I don't want to look too nice, like im trying to get in his pants you know? But I don't want to look to casual or slobbish either."

Gracie laughed loudly and shook her head. "Tilly, oh my gosh. He's not going to think that. Besides, I'm sure he can tell those things in people. He is a former member of a boy band. He's been a heartthrob for almost a decade, Til."

Gracie made a good point. However; she still wanted to tread lightly on how nice she dressed. She doesn't at all want to give him the wrong impression. She agreed to take things slow and if she indicates that she doesn't wanna do that, she could lose him.

It was a very risky game she had gotten herself involved in. But it's Harry Styles. He's worth all of this, she knew it. She just had to get through the casualties before the real deal started.

Matilda // A Harry Styles Fan-FictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα