17. Knight In Shining Whatever

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Matilda woke up the next morning and rolled over, now face to face with Harry. He was so cute when sleeping. His hair fell perfectly over his face and he had the sweetest, most peaceful look. A few times a night, they fall asleep on the phone so she has seen him asleep before but seeing it in person just made it more sweeter. 

She got up and grabbed her underwear and shorts that were by the bed. Her shirt was all the way in the living area so she just grabbed Harry's that was by the bedroom door. It was big on her and she liked it. 

She went to the kitchen and decided to order room service for them and once she got off the phone, she saw Harry standing in the hallway with only pajama pants on. She smiled and walked to him. He wrapped his arms around her. 

"I just ordered some breakfast." She said softly and he nodded. "I heard.. whatcha going to do today?" He asked. He so hoped she would want to spend the day with him but he also knew she would want to be with her dad and best friend Gracie too. 

"I was hoping me and you could maybe lay low today and just stay here...? If that was ok with you? And I was going to go home with Gracie tonight."

He smiles and nods. "Definitely, we could watch a movie or two if you'd like." He said. 

Once their breakfast came, they ate together at the table then afterwards, Harry put on Netflix on the tv in the bedroom. Matilda got in the bed, settling under the blankets and Harry got right in beside her. 

"What do you want to watch?" Harry asked her. She looked through and saw Orange Is The New Black. "I have always wanted to watch this. Can we please? I know it's not a movie but can we still watch it?" She asked. 

He smiled a little, she was so ridiculously cute to him. The look she gave him when she wanted something made his heart melt. 

"Yeah, of course. I've always wanted to see it too." 


Harry and Matilda had watched about 10 episodes before night came. Matilda got up and changed into a pair of jeans and a blouse she had brought with her. Harry sat up and watched her. 

"You have to go?" 

She smiled a bit. "Yes, I'm going to stay the night with Gracie and then I am going to dad's. I told you that after Christmas, I'm going to come to Manchester." She said. He smiled and nodded. "I know and I'm sorry... I'm just going to miss you." He said. 

After a few minutes, Gracie had arrived to pick Matilda up. Harry walked her to the door and kissed her. 

"I'll see you in a couple days maybe?" He asked and she had nodded, kissing him again. "Of course, maybe even tomorrow honestly." He nodded as she walked out the door and he looked out the window to make sure she made it to Gracie's car. 

Matilda got into her car. "I miss my car back home." She said and Gracie laughed. "Hello to you too, bitch. How was your time with James Dean?" She asked. 

Matilda laughed. "Amazing. We had a great time... Everything is just so easy with him. I.. I don't know, he's just great." She said and Gracie smiled. 

"That's so sweet... I'm happy for you both. I have this friend.. her name is Billie and she is holding a party tonight and I was wondering if we could go?"

Matilda nods. "Sure! But how come I have never heard of this girl before?" She asked and Gracie blushed as she drove. 

"Well, I met her at a party the week after you went back to college and well... I have a huge crush on her." 

Matilda giggles. "Aw! Do you know if she likes girls?" She asked and Gracie nods. "She does! She and her ex girlfriend just broke up a few months ago I heard. That is why I really want to go to her party." She said. 

"Ah, you want to try and swoon her?" 

Gracie playfully reached over and slapped her friends arm. "Shut the fuck up!" She yelled out while laughing. 

Not long later, they had arrived at the party. Gracie walked up to her with Matilda by her side as her wing woman. 

"Billie, hi." 

The girl looked at Gracie and smiled. She looked about the same age as Gracie, 28 years old. She had short brown hair and she also had bangs. "Hi, Grace!" She exclaimed then looked over at Matilda. 

"This is my best friend Matilda. She's my boss Kevin's daughter too, that is how I met her." Gracie rambled a bit and Billie grinned, shaking hands with Matilda. 

"Hi, nice to meet you." 

"Nice to meet you too!" 

Matilda had done her job towards the end of the night. Billie and Gracie were making out on the ping pong table in the backyard. She then called Harry, predicting that Gracie was going to have a very busy night. 

"Hey, love." 

"Hi," Matilda started, "Can you come pick me up from this party? Gracie is sucking faces with a girl she's had a crush on for like forever so I think she is going to be out of service for the rest of the night. And I don't want to be stuck at this party all night." She said. 

Harry laughed and nodded. "Me and my driver are coming, just send me the address, ok baby?" 

She blushed and nodded. She sent him the address then sent a text to Gracie letting her know that she was leaving and would see her the next day. She then went to sit outside on the front steps to wait on Harry to pick her up. 

Matilda // A Harry Styles Fan-FictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu