01. When Harry Met Tilly

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Tw: Abuse

It was Friday, October 13th.

For most people, that is the scariest day of the year. For Matilda, it was the best. She would be going to London for a couple of weeks for her dad's work. Her dad is a big business man. He is a top writer for many magazines in England. She wanted to be just like him.

Knowing her dad and how big-time he is, her university would allow her to go to England when he had his big parties and dinners for his business. In fact, they'd turn it into schooling for her. Whenever she went, they would give her assignments to write on while there. In retrospect, due to her majoring in writing and journalism, her going to her father's business dates was actually a learning opportunity for her. She still couldn't believe her favorite trips of the year could also be beneficial for her career. It was heaven.

Matilda soon woke up from her daydream by her stupid step dad nudging her. "Tilly," he groaned. "You're at the goddamn airport. I'm going to be late for work. Go on."

Everyone called her Tilly, short for Matilda of course. She loved it, she thought it was cute. Though her stepdad made her cringe whenever he said it. She really hated that guy.

She grabs her bags from his backseat and nods at him.

"Thanks." She said. He nodded her off and she went into the airport.

She took her seat and the plane took off. Since she left at 7am, she got there at 7pm England time.

Once off the plane, she ran to her dad. Kevin Ryan, the most successful man in journalism in the city of London. He was Tilly's hero. She wanted to be just like him. The way he handled himself and his success... he was her role model. Way better than her snot nosed stepdad. She would never understand how her mother could leave her amazing father for that asshole.

"Tilly! It's been six months! How are you, my dear?! And Lionel, how is he? Things going well there?"

She frowned briefly at the mention of her boyfriend. He didn't want her to come because his birthday was the 11th. He got drunk on his birthday and beat her arms. Luckily just her arms.

She rolled her sleeves down to her finger tips and nodded. "Mhm. It couldn't be better. He's the one, I can feel it."

She held back tears when saying that, she knew he wasn't the one, but she would never find the one. She would have to settle for Lionel whether she liked it or not.

"I'm so happy for you Matilda. But remember, you never know who you might run into one day. For years I thought Kathy was the one. Then she left me when you were two. She packed up and took you back to her home in Carolina. She found Joe and.. well..." he trailed off then smiled, "at least you got miles. I know that jerk is no good, but always remember, he gave you miles."

Tilly smiled. Miles and her were so close. She was like a mother to him. They were inseparable. Everything you could dream about siblings, that was them. She was the only reason she even bares staying in that house. Him and her mother of course. Despite the growing tension between her and her mother due to Joseph, she loves her to death. Nothing could change that.

"Come on, let's get home. Tomorrow is a very important luncheon. You can look through the wardrobe to find an outfit for it. Gracie is excited to see you."

Gracie is Kevin's fashion designer. She designs his wardrobe and whenever Tilly is in town, she works for her too. Her and Gracie had been close for years. She couldn't wait to see her.


After getting to her father's penthouse, Gracie and Tilly caught up with one another and they started dressing Tilly for tomorrow.

As they did the dress try ons, Gracie immediately noticed Tilly's arms.

"Matilda Ryan, what happened to your arms?" 

Tilly froze then immediately faked a laugh. "That damn Wally's. I worked two nights ago and lemme tell you, I bumped into everything and kept catching the corners of every table in that damn restaurant. And Wally of course fed me his bullshit, "stumbling around makes yeh look drunk to the customers. Cut it out, eh?"."  When Gracie laughed, Tilly sighed a breath of relief. They then continued dressing her up like a Barbie doll until finally at 2am, they found her dress. A long sleeved pale pink dress which came down to above her knee. It was tight at the top but loose at the bottom with about three buttons at her breasts and a zipper in the back. Her and Gracie were both in love and could not wait for tomorrow so she could wear it.

The next morning, Tilly got dressed and before she knew it, she was in the dining hall of the building her dad's penthouse was in for the luncheon. It was a boring time really. He introduced her to many people, the most notable being the head of Vogue magazine.

Everything was pretty normal though for a classic Kevin Ryan luncheon. That was until someone very notable walked in.

The world seemed to stop moving for her when she caught his eye. She knew him, she liked a few of his songs, thought she wouldn't consider herself a die hard fan.

Harry Styles.

He looked into her eyes and nothing else mattered for her. She felt a feeling she had never felt before this moment... hope.

Throughout the dinner, they nonchalantly mingled with other people. Both using that as a pawn in bringing themselves closer and closer so that they could meet.  Finally, she bumped into him.

"Sorry-... oh."

He laughed. Damn that laugh, she thought. "Oh, since im me, you're not sorry for bumping into me?" He teased this and she smiled lightly. She loved his humor, it was almost if not as much attractive as his appearance.

"No sorry, I didn't mean that... I've-" he cut her off. "I know."

He knew. So she wasn't imagining their stares and passing glances. It wasn't her dreaming up a make believe fairytale. It was real.

"I'm sorry, dear, I don't know your name." He said. "Tilly... well, Tilly is short for Matilda. Matilda Ryan. And you're Harry... styles. Correct?"

He smiled at her rambling and nodded. "Correct! I'm glad you don't live under a rock," he joked. He didn't say it in a boasting manner at all. It was in a way of almost teasing himself.

"Wait.. you said your last name is Ryan?" She nodded. "Are you related to Kevin Ryan? I'm doing an interview with him tomorrow."

"No kidding. He's my dad." She said and his eyes widened. "This all makes sense now! You're the daughter he mentioned. You live in America correct? With your mom and brother?"

Tilly laughed, "wow, slow down, stalker boy. You're getting a little too excited."

He laughed and shook his head. They clicked so well.

"After all of this," he waved his hands around, "let me take you out tonight. There's a nice restaurant downtown. It's a sushi restaurant."

Matilda nodded. Lionel could never know, right? And even if he did... that would be a future problem. Right now, she wanted to know all about Harry Styles.

Matilda // A Harry Styles Fan-FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz