"You," she said, placing her fingertips on my shirt. She traced the ridges of my abs through the fabric of my shirt as I looked down to watch her. Normally, I enjoyed women flirting with me like this, but her touch made my stomach churn.

"I can't pay you like she can, obviously, buy maybe my little pictures are enough to motivate you. I want you to make me scream the way she does," Erin continued, biting her bottom lip.

Rage swirled inside my head, but I had to be smart about this situation. If her evidence is released to the public, Jade's reputation is ruined, and I'm out of a job. I had seen tabloids about her before, and they were always brutal.

That must be why she always tried so hard to prove she wasn't just some ditzy rich girl. But this would only make the public view her as some freak that fucks the men she hires like her own personal gigolo. I couldn't care less about what people thought of me, but I couldn't stand the thought of Jade being hurt.

I walked closer to Erin until her back hit the wall. Her breath hitched in her throat as she heaved her chest up. I leaned close to her, my lips inches from her. The pupils of her eyes dilated as I flashed her a charming smile.

"You know, if you wanted me to fuck you so badly, you just had to ask," I said in a husky voice. She nodded her head softly and closed her eyes. She leaned in slightly, her lips parting to accept my kiss.

I brushed my lips against hers, reaching my hand behind her waist. Before she had a chance to react, I snatched the phone from her hands and jerked away.

"Hey!" She shouted.

I held the phone up in the air, tilting my head back to see the screen. Erin's short frame tried desperately to jump and reach the phone. Her fingers barely matched the height of my forearm, a considerable distance from the object she wanted. I tapped through the phone, deleting every image and video she had taken in the last hour. Once I was done, I tossed the phone back to her carelessly, unphased when I saw it nearly fall to the floor.

"I advise you quit or I tell Jade what you did, and she can come personally make your life hell. If you stay here, you can bet I'll make your life hell, too, and you do not want to test me," I said through gritted teeth, turning my back to her. "Oh, and don't try to blackmail anyone, again. You're shit at it," I added as I walked away.


The ride to work was silent as the tension from earlier settled in my head. A car skidded by me just in time as I changed lanes without looking. Small gasps traveled from the backseat as I drove wrecklessly. I cursed to myself, trying to regain focus. Jade tried her best to hold back, her eyebrows furrowed with worry in the rearview mirror.

A small sigh of relief escaped her lips once we settled into her parking spot. My head still swam with thoughts of Erin, mostly negative.

"Sorry about that," I sighed, clicking the car door open for Jade. She narrowed her eyes and pulled me in, my eyes widening slightly at the sudden gesture.

"What's up with you? Why do you keep frowning like that?" She asked, a hint of worry on her freckled face. I ran my fingers through my hair, debating whether I should tell her the truth. I was well aware of what Jade was capable of, but I needed to see how this played out. If Erin had any sense, she would have quit before I left.

"It's nothing. Just distracted thinking about that tight little–"

"Okay, that's enough," she blurted out, covering my mouth so I couldn't speak. I smiled against her palms, looking into her gorgeous emerald eyes. I pulled her hands off my face, pinning it against the seats. She looked at me from beneath her eyelashes as I hovered over her.

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