11 - Not just a kiss

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The next morning, Aditya thought of checking on her. He did knock on the door a couple of times. As there was no reply, he went in. A small smile escaped from his lips looking at her sleep so peacefully. Even Anu has not had a peaceful sleep since she met him for the case. This is her first time after a long period. Not sure if it was the alcohol or the bed or... him.

She was sleeping on her tummy where half of her hair was covering the face and her calf was out of the duvet. The moment Aditya got a sight of it, he turned his face to the opposite direction. Decent guy! Thinking of letting her sleep for some more time, he left the room.

At noon, when she woke up, she found herself in the most royal bedroom. The ceiling was way too up, the walls were way too cool and the bed was way too comfortable to the point where she didn't feel like waking up. This is the kind of bedroom she dreamt of. Not like she isn't rich. She is just not too rich to have this kind of bedroom.

She felt like she was carrying a planet on her head. Pressing her head tight enough to numb the pain, she looked around hoping for Aditya's absence.

The only thing she wished for was not having Aditya in her room when she woke up but unfortunately, he was there swimming in his white sleeveless tees that were way too loose.

Not white again, she thought, placing her hand under her head.

Getting a sight of that moment, How fortunate I am to witness this,she thought. Tossing around and shifting the weight of her head over her hand, she stared at him for a while. A while – till he notices her.

She couldn't see what he was doing as his back was facing her and even if she was given a chance of seeing what he is up to, that is the least bothered thing over there.

Not so muscular, not so lean... somewhere is the middle! He had a great body. "Is this the kind of view I am going to get if I was your wife?" she asked, which made him realize that she woke up.

"Oh, you are up?" he said, grabbing the overcoat beside him.

"How are you feeling?" he was about to put that coat on.

"Don't. Wear. That!"

He laughed. "You don't need to answer my question. I can see how you are," he understood she was still not in her senses. Because, Anu would never say things like that.

Waking up reluctantly, she sat cross-legged on the bed while Aditya continued with his work. Seems like he was stacking his books that looked more like journals.

"Get me some coffee," she ordered him around, setting her hair. He looked at her over his shoulder in surprise. "Hope you remember that we are not married".

"I wish that happened!" she whispered hoping he wouldn't hear but he did. He pretended as if he didn't hear that.

"Why don't you act like one? At least for one day? - Please get me some coffee. My head feels like it's going to burst," she said.

"Coffee is not a remedy for a hangover. I will get something better. Meanwhile, go get freshen up," he said, walking out of the room.

"Aditya?" she called him to which he reacted in a second. He did kind of guessed what she was going to tell but still paid attention to her assuming it was something different.

"Love you, Aditya!" she said. It wasn't just a couple skit she was playing but that really sounded genuine.

Getting over what she said, "It's Adi for you, darling!" even he took part in the play. Both, Anu to this side of the door and Aditya to that side of the door, loved it. Anu buried her head in the pillow next to her. She hugged the pillow tossing on and around.

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