Chapter one

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  "I'm literally shaking oh my god" I was just about to perform the biggest show I've ever done. I was terrified and happy at the same time.

  "Gus you'll do awesome!!" My best friend Betty said.

  "Ugh but I'm so scared you know, what if so-" I quickly got interrupted

  "shh you'll be fine! if anything me and James" my manager "will be here for you don't worry!"

  "You have to go on stage now August!!" James said

  Fuck yeah I thought to myself I'm about to nail this. And with that I went on the stage and saw the crowd. Suddenly all my anxiety went away and I was overwhelmed by happiness.

  "Hello Portugal and welcome to the first show of my newest album Karma!" And the whole crowd went wild. I looked around and saw so many people that I didn't recognise and I was excited for this.

  "I hope you all are ready for this!" And the beat started playing. All the concert went by really fast and I was on the verge of tears when I had to end it.

  "Portugal I'm glad you enjoyed it and see you all in the meet and greet!" I said as I walked down the stage. I heard how the crowd went wild and I couldn't have been happier.

  "See I told ya!" Betty said when I got off the stage

  "I know I know I nailed it. But I have to get to the meet and greet as fast as possible or I'm gonna cause some..."

As soon as I said that I heard a lot of people screaming my name when I got in the meet and greet room. I was happy that so many people wanted to see me. I sat behind the table and got ready for the first people.

  I didn't like to receive gifts but fans still gave me them. I sometimes even felt bad for it. After the meet and greet I felt tired and drained. Next morning I needed to go to the local record store to sign some albums (without any fans because I was too tired) and have some photos with them to tease people.

  Betty and James got me in the bus and we all sat in it tired. I fell asleep in the bus and Betty woke me up to say that I've got to go in the hotel. I got up and out of the bus, took my stuff and went in the hotel. I checked in and took the elevator to my room. Betty and James would be staying in another rooms, basically us all in seperate rooms to at least have a private space.

  I slept like a bear that night. I woke up and felt so fresh and just like a new person. I wore some jeans and an orange top since my albums cover was orange. I went downstairs of the hotel to have some breakfast alone. I ate some pancakes and had a juice with them. I suddenly got a call from my manager

  "Where are you? We have to leave in ten minutes?" He said calmly

  "I'm eating breakfast, I'll be there don't worry" I said while trying to finish up my breakfast. I basically ran out of the hotel and in to the car that we were driving to the record shop. We all decided that it would be best if I and Betty obly went in. So I could sign the records and she would take some photos. As soon as I went in the shop the workers greeted me and I greeted them back.

  I saw the shelves where I saw my vinyls on and went closer to them. I was about to take my newest vinyl out of the shelf but my hand touched someone's another's. I looked at the person who touched my hand and saw a man. He had fully brown hair and the prettiest brown eyes I've seen in my life. I guess we both just kept staring at eachother until I realised it.

  "Oh my god I am so sorry I didn't mean to" I said as I took my hand away from him

  "No it's completely fine, to be honest you look just like how and Augustine Gold fan would look like" that boy said

  "Yeah maybe because i maybe am her" I said a bit jokingly

  "You're defidently joking aren't you?"

  "Why would I be?"

  "I'm sorry. Hey I'm João, what's your name?" he said introducing himself. João was a cute name to say

"Augustine, but you can call me Gus"

First chapter!!😛😛 I hope the fanfics actually good because yeah☺️☺️🙏🙏🙏 Anyways guys please like and comment I'm desperate

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