Chapter nine

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  The morning came by quickly. I woke up with joãos head on my chest and our legs tangled together. He looked so pretty, but I didn't want to seem like a creep and stare at him so I pretended to sleep.

  I felt him wake up and take his head off my chest. I was like half asleep then and I felt him getting up but I didn't want him to go.

  "Please stay" I asked him

  He got back in the bed again and put the covers over us. He layed next to me and I cuddled up to him. Was this even more obvious that I liked him? Theres no way he hasn't realised that yet.

  It's almost like we both fell asleep again. It was so peaceful and calm. I've never felt so safe with anyone before. I felt him shift again.

  "Hey Tine, I'm going to make some breakfast okay?" he asked me before getting up

  "Mm yes please" I told him and let him go

  He got up and I suddenly felt so cold. I already missed his touch and it even hasn't been a minute. Suddenly I heard a ding from my phone.

Did you see the news?

What happened now

Paparazzi saw you and
João leaving your concert
that day. They have photos
and so many articles

  Oh fuck I thought. Well was this suprising. Sometimes I just wish I could live a peaceful life away from people, but what can I do now. I've chosen this path and I have to get through it.

  I got up and checked if I looked good. I didn't know why, I wasn't really embarrassed if João saw me not looking good but still. I cared about looking good around him.

  I went downstairs and to the kitchen. I saw him making food but I couldn't guess what it was. I went closer and saw that he was making some pancakes.

  Suddenly I got a lyric idea and I quickly grabbed my phone, but then I realised my judge and biggest supporter was right here.

  "Hey João did you see the news?" I asked him

  "No I didn't? What happened?" he asked anxiously

  "Paparazzi saw us leaving my concert together hand in hand. There are multiple articles about us on the internet now." I told him

  "Oh. Well that's not really good is it" he said in a little shaky tone and combed his hand through his hair

  "Look don't worry I'm fine with it. And this actually made me come up with some new lyrics. do you wanna hear?" I asked him

  "oh my god obviously" he said and turned his whole body against me

  "so the first one was I'm so in love I might stop breathing, drew a map on your bedroom ceiling. No I didn't see the news, cause we were somewhere else"

  "Okay I love it, and the whole concept. What a mind" João said. I smiled at his compliment. I loved when people complimented me and not the songs I wrote "Now can I know the second songs lyrics?"

  "You know what. Not now" I said with a wink and ran upstairs. I grabbed my phone and texted Betty

Baby, I know places
we won't be found in.
They'll be chasing their
tails trying to track us down.
Cause I know places
we can hide
What do you think???

If this is about João then I love it!!

Who else🤭

  I went back to João after texting her and saw that he had already finished making the pancakes. We both sat down and started eating. The pancakes were so lovely and I couldn't get enough of them. We both finished eating and just sat on our phones on the couch.

  "Wanna go get a coffee maybe?" João asked me

  "Sure!" I answered and rushed to get my shoes on. He came just behind me and smiled because of how excited I was. I really loved spending time with him

  We both got out of his house and went to his car. He let me connect my phone to his aux and I put on About you - The 1975. This song is my current obsession and believe it or not it makes me think of João.

  "There's something bout you that now I can't remember. It's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender. And I miss you in the train, I miss you in the morning"  All this bridge perfectly described how I felt about him

  "Great song choice Augustine" he said smiling

  "I know I have immaculate taste" I winked not even sure if he saw it.

  We arrived at a cafe and sat down at a table. A waitress came over to us and it looked like she was in love. No idea what struck her but she was completely stunned. Couldn't even get a single word out.

  "Are you ready to order?" She finally said, but she was looking at João. João noticed that and tried to give her a hint

  "My girlfriend will order first thanks" João smiled at her and I knew it was because he wanted to be nice and not because he was flirting with her

  "I would love a frappuchino and a chocolate cake thanks!" I said nicely to not sound like an asshole

  "I'll have the same as her" João answered and closed the menu

  Me and João were chatting and waiting for our food till I heard cameras clicking. The paparazzi were outside and since the cafe had large windows they could see absolutely everything. I didn't really like paparazzi and João noticed that.

  He took some money out of his pocket and left it on the table. He took my hand and we both sprinted out the cafe to his car. We sat in the car and I felt safe since it had toned windows. We started driving back to his house.

Sorry for the long chapter loves🙏 Hope you are enjoying this fanfic so far and I've written all this in a day so I know it's maybe a bit rushed☺️ But I hope y'all have a great day or night!! Love ya!

Call it what you want  | João FelixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang