Chapter 10:

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Scarlett's POV

I woke up feeling a little better, but still in pain. After taking some pain relief yesterday, I completely forgot about my ankle. It was a little better today, but I still couldn't really walk or stand on it. 

I limped my way into the bathroom and took out another pill. Not wanting to take a whole, I bit it in half and swallowed it, drinking some water from the sink. I really hope that it heals by itself, and I don't have to go to the hospital or anything. I locked the bathroom door and took my clothes off, wanting to take a shower. I was caught off guard by a huge bruise on my arm.

Me: "Shit", I muttered.

Summer was the worst possible time to get a bruise on your arm. I quickly put my pajamas back on and made my way to my closet. We didn't have that many clothes, but we certainly had enough to choose from. I sorted out the ones that were thin, but long-sleeved and headed back to the bathroom to get changed. My shower had to wait. I ran down the stairs and into Cindy's office.

Me: "Morning."

Cindy: "Morning hun. Did you have a good night?"

Me: "Yeah. Hey I was about to head out again, I just came to tell you", I said.

Cindy: "Again? Where are you going."

Me: "I'm hanging out with some friends. I figured I'd do it before we got into the new placement. You never know...."

Cindy sighed: "Maya and Carina seem like they're really nice people. Anyway, have fun honey. And be back before dinner!"

I said my goodbyes and left for the pharmacy.

Not really feeling like walking, I took another bus. To be completely honest, I felt a little weird today. It could either be the fentanyl, or the fact that I have been way too nervous to eat lately. I was still scared of what would happen and with the home check coming closer and closer, it only got worse.

I got off the bus and went into the pharmacy. It was quite busy today and it made me feel a little uneasy. I tried to ignore everyone and made my way through the isles, looking for melatonin gummies. I read somewhere that they were supposed to help you sleep and thought that it was a better alternative for Payton.

I couldn't help but overhear a conversation between the cashier and a customer, so I ducked down behind the shelves.

Cashier: "Back again Mr. Millers?"

No way. What was Mr. Millers doing here?

Mr. Millers: "Someone keeps stealing our Valium."

Cashier: "You know I can't give you any without a prescription Mr. Millers."


Mr. Millers: "Ah right. I forgot it at home. Can't I just show you next time", he asked, trying to charm him.

Cashier: "You know I can't allow that Mr. Millers. See you tomorrow with the prescription."

Mr. Miller scratched his head and stomped out of the pharmacy.

I couldn't help but giggle a little. For some reason, I found this really hilarious.

I grabbed the melatonin gummies and made my way to the cashier.

Cashier: "Hello there. That makes $11.99", he said, putting the gummies into a little plastic bag.

Me: "Uhm, do you also sell toothpaste by any chance?"

Cashier: "Mmh, what brand are you looking for?"

Me: "Uuh, the least expensive one please."

Cashier: "The toothpaste is $4.13 so that makes $16,12", he said putting it into the plastic bag, along with a toothbrush.

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