- language - 🌞 - sun -

56 4 10

~ heavy fluff oneshot ~


Your shift at the Pizzaplex had finally ended, and you couldn't wait to see Sun again.

You knew you had caught feelings for him awhile ago, but you had been in denial - he was just a robot!

As the pizzaplex closed for the night, you made your way over to the daycare, zoning out as you did so. Imagining all the possibilities with Sun, reflecting on your work day - your mind was flooded with thoughts. 

You had finally arrived at the daycare, pushing open the heavy doors. The sound of the daycare music flowing through the air, filling you with a sense of joy. You made your way to the security desk, Sun nowhere in sight.

"Sun?" You called out, Sun still nowhere to be found.

"Y/N?" He said excitedly from across the daycare. You giggled a bit as he skipped over to you, his faceplate going in circles.

"I haven't seen you in forever! I was starting to think you forgot about me!" Sun huffed, crossing his arms.

"Sun, it's been 8 hours," You replied, holding back a laugh.

"Exactly; forever! I've been plauged with the disease of lonliness and only a true loves kiss can save me now~!" He exclaimed, dramatically clutching his chest and falling to the floor. You laughed as he laid on the floor, waiting for his 'true loves kiss'.

"Well? Are ya' gonna save me?" Sun said, still playing dead. You laughed, kneeling down besides him. You placed a small kiss on his cheek, a little lipstick print remaining. 

Sun opened his eyes, smirking a little. 

"You missed, darling" He whispered, looking into your eyes.

You rolled your eyes, smirking a bit. You kissed his forehead, yet another lipstick mark on his face.

"Y/N?" He said, tilting his head slightly.

"Sun?" You mocked his tone, laughing.

He didn't respond; instead, he placed a hand on the back of your head, bringing your face down to his, stopping less than an inch from him.

"This is what I meant-" He whispered, a light blush spreading across your face.

He kissed you softly, running his fingers through your hair. You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around him. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as he played with your hair. 

You pulled away slowly, looking at him dumbfounded. 

"I have been wanting to do that for... awhile-" He said, his faceplate nervously turning to the side. You smirked, leaning towards him."

"Then do it again"

He kissed you yet again; this time, it was more gentle. He caressed your face, tracing little shapes. After a few seconds he pulled away, a huge grin on his face.

"What?" You said, laughing softly.

"Does this mean you like me back?"

"Yes, dumbass"




More oneshots will be published soon :D

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