Chapter 96

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2 more days until the concert...😆

I'm so excited to see skz~~~

Also, my sleep schedule is completely flipped. That's why I'm updating at 2 AM 💀


~Felix's POV~

When I got back to the hotel room, I found Chan sprawled out on one of the beds--with a suspicious empty wine glass chilling on the nightstand nearby. He looked confused when I came in, since I'd only been gone an hour, but he also looked pleased.

"Hey babe." He said, smiling as he sat up. I glanced at the wine, wondering if he'd called for some while I was gone, but I guess I didn't much care if he'd gotten drunk or anything.

"Hi baby." I mumbled much less enthusiastically. "So..." I frowned as I sat down next to him on the bed. "I have good and bad news."

"Uh..." He scoffed. "What is it?"

"Well, the good news is that my mom approved of us moving in together. So...we can get a house together as you wanted."

The alpha smiled brightly at my words, but just after, he frowned again. "And the bad news?"

I sighed. "I talked to my mom about the trial. And she said that it might take two months to get a verdict. So...we may have to be apart for two months."

The alpha's face fell at my words. He stared at me with sad eyes, but I didn't know what to do or say. I moved closer to him and pecked his lips, hoping to comfort him a bit. He accepted the kiss, but still looked upset.

"Babe...I'm not gonna be able to visit you..." He pouted. "Is it really going to take two months for you to come back to me?"

"Yes. But my mom promised it wouldn't go on for any longer than two months. She said she'd make sure I can go back to you after, regardless of whether or not the trial was completed."

"But that's still two months..."

"I know. But..." I smiled hopefully. "We can facetime?"

"Facetiming isn't the same as cuddling and sleeping in the same bed every night. I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too. But I have to stay, whether I want to or not."

He sighed. "I know..."

Even with all my attempts at making him feel better, the alpha was still clearly upset. It really didn't surprise me though. We've only been together for two months now, with one of those months being taken from us. And now, two more months would have to be spent long distance.

I hope all of this doesn't make him want to break up or anything...

I hope that with us being apart for two months, he doesn't fall out of love with me...

When I looked at Chan to try and see what he was thinking, I looked just as he took in a deep breath and frowned a little. The alpha was staring at me.

"Are you okay, babe? Your scent is so sour. I know it sucks, but don't let it get to you too bad. It won't be forever." He said and scooted himself closer to me. I bit my lip as he hugged me and crooned comfortingly.

I took in a deep breath of his scent, before I softly whined. "Are we going to be okay without each other for two months?" I asked softly.

"We can make it, bubba. We'll be okay." He mumbled and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry too much about it."

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