Chapter Fifteen ~ The Rescue

Start from the beginning

“Those fucking retards!”

“Calm down Henry, she probably went out to take some time for herself, let's not think the worst yet” Carlton said trying to reassure me, but it wasn't working even the slightest bit.

“Why don't I go over to the hotel and ask for their CCTV footage”

“That's a good idea, I'll go with you” I responded.

“No, you stay here with Cassie and mom, I'll let you know what I find” He says, walking away.

* *

It's been two hours since Carlton left, and my patience was stretching beyond its limits. I was still in my work clothes, and I hadn't even taken my shoes off. We were all on edge waiting for Carlton's call. The ringing of my phone jolts me up, seeing the caller id, I quickly answer it.

“Hello, what did you find”

“Okay I'll check” I added.

“What did he say” Cassie and Mom ask the simultaneously waiting eagerly for an answer?

“He sent me the CCTV footage”

“Okay, Open it!” They hurry over to me, so we could watch it together.

The video showed Ella leaving her room and getting knocked out by two men dressed as workers, and being carried out in a laundry basket through the back door.

My heart broke into a million pieces, I shouldn't have left her alone, I should have taken her with me. Who knows if she was not dead somewhere. I was instantly filled with a million and one regrets. Cassie broke out crying and mom tried consoling her.

But who was going to console me?

“That poor girl, what about now, the police should be able to do something with this video” Mom said.

She was right, this was more than enough evidence of foul play, I dashed through the doors without giving her a response.

I'm coming for you, Ella

Ella's POV

My hands were starting to get sore from the ropes and my legs felt numb, My mouth was all dried up and I craved for any form of liquid. I laid helplessly on the floor and let the cold floor sting at my skin, it served as a reminder that I was still alive and hadn't withered away just yet. As the days went by, any hope of someone coming to save me went by with it.

A light beeping sound draws my attention to the pile of what seems to be dirty sheets across from me. I was clearly becoming delusional from the lack of food and water. The sound comes again, and this time I recognize it. It was the sound my phone made when it was low on battery. I feel a sense of hope for the first time in days.

I try to drag myself over to the pile, but it was quite far away and I was already too weak. I start to lose whatever hope I thought I had left, I didn't even realize when my tears begin to fall, I felt so helpless and alone.

Just as my eyes start to close from exhaustion, I remembered Siri. My only chance of getting out alive!

“Siri call Cassie” I say in desperation.

Calling Cassie

I laugh out at my victory, I was one foot out the door.

Henry's POV

“And you're sure she didn't have any problems with anyone at school” The cop asked Cassie as he jotted notes furiously.

I was loosing it, it's been two days since Ella's been missing, and the fact I didn't know what state she was in made me more anxious. I've barely had any sleep between shuffling to the station and back all for nothing, they just came up with more ridiculous questions that didn't help in any way.

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