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Addison's POV

"Hey Addie!" Mark greeted me as he entered Cordelia's hospital room with Amelia trailing behind him. Cordelia looked at Mark with skepticism written all over her face while cuddling Grey.

"Cordelia, this is my best friend Dr. Mark Sloan. Mark, this is my daughter Cordelia."

"Don't go near her until she lets you Mark." Amelia advised him and Mark nodded in agreement.

"Do you know what my job is Cordelia?" Mark asked Cordelia.

"You are a doctor like Auntie Amelia and my mommies." Cordelia signed to Mark.

"Yes. But I'm a plastic surgeon that help people feel better about themselves. Addison asked me here to see if I could make your scars a bit less noticeable. Is it okay if I take a look at them?" Mark tells Cordelia who nodded and he walked over to her bed.

"We're going at your pace Cordelia. That means you can tell me to stop at any point in time. May I check the scars on your face?" Mark asked Cordelia who nodded and he started to examine her face.

"Just so you know, I believe you about what those men did to you. That's why Derek and I aren't friends anymore." Mark tells Cordelia whose eyes widen with shock.

"You do not know me. So why would you defend me Mark?" Cordelia signed to Mark.

"My parents were never home and I had to raise myself. Sometimes, my father would hit me if he was drunk. No child deserves to be harmed in any way Cordelia. What made this worse was that Derek knew my past and still hurt you. But I promise to never hurt you and protect you." Mark says before examining her neck.

"I believe you Uncle Mark. You can examine me further, but Mama and Auntie Amelia have to stay." Cordelia signed to Mark.

"Thank you for trusting me. And of course they're staying, they wouldn't leave even if I asked them." Mark replies with a smile, causing Cordelia to smile back.


Meredith's POV

"Mark said that he will do the surgery for free. Cordelia really likes him and sees him as an uncle." Addison tells me while we were in the cafeteria getting dinner for everybody.

"I'm glad that Cordelia and Mark get along. Why is he doing this for free?"

"Mark was always alone as a child and sometimes his father would hit him, especially when drunk. Mark and Cordelia share a connection that we never will have. Mark basically disowned all of the Shepherds but Amelia and her father." Addison explained to me and I give her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Dr. Webber's fine and we can go visit him tomorrow. I know Cordelia will love to see him." Alice walked over to us with a look of worry written all over her face.

"Alice, what's wrong?"

"My landlord raped me and then evicted me because I said I was going to the police." Alice explained to us with tears in her eyes.

"You're staying with us Alice. You won't have to pay rent because you're teaching Cordelia. But you may have to do some chores." Addison explained to Alice, who hugged us.

"Thank you both so much loves!" Alice tells us with her tears falling down her face.

"Alice did you get a rape kit done and report it?"

"Dr. Bailey and Cristina helped me with that. They also told George for me because I was scared to tell him. George has been extremely supportive of me and stayed with me to tell the cops. I've never had a family until I met all of you. Thank you for being my family." Alice says while wiping her eyes.

"No Alice, thank you for being ours."

Rockabye(Grey's Anatomy Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang