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Cordelia's POV

Sitting in the hallway of Seattle Grace, I was reading a medical book about Alzheimer's. Nana has a very early case and I just wanted to read up on it. I wanted to take this disease away from Nana because she's an extremely talented surgeon that wasn't done helping people.

"What are you reading?" A voice calls out to me, causing me to look up and see a boy around my age. He had brown hair and green eyes that shined with delight when he smiled. Showing him the book, the boy chuckled causing his eyes to shine.

"Seems that my big brother's right. The quiet and pretty girls are always the smartest. I'm Elliott Carpenter." Elliott says before extending his hand out for me to shake. My body tenses up a bit due to what Father did to me, but it relaxes when Elliott doesn't move his hand.

"C-Cordelia E-Elise G-Grey." I respond before shaking his hand. Elliott sits next to me and I noticed his portable fluid drip.

"Nice to meet you Cordelia. Do you have cancer too?" Elliott asks and I shake my head in response.

"That's good. Leukaemia is a bitch." Elliott says with a smile and I grab my phone out of my pocket. Going to my Notes app, I type something and show it to Elliott.

"That's alright if you don't feel comfortable speaking. I know ASL because my mother's deaf." Elliott said before I put my phone away.

"Where is your family?" I signed.

"Mom and Dad are at work. My brother Grayson's at school and my twin baby sisters Sarah and Hannah are with my grandparents. They're two and my brother's fifteen while I'm ten." Elliott says.

"I am ten too. My mother is a surgical intern. She is technically my biological aunt but adopted me because my father was hurting me. I do not know my biological mother. Sorry if that was too much information."

"That's okay. Is your mother Dr. Meredith Grey? She did my vitals earlier." Elliott says and I nodded in response to his question.

"You really think I am pretty? But I have all these ugly scars." I signed to Elliott who shows me his side to reveal a long scar.

"Having scars doesn't make you ugly. It means that you've survived something hard. Don't you go to school? Because I haven't seen you around Seattle Grace Elementary." Elliott says with a thoughtful smile.

"No I do not go to school because I am not ready with my past. But I skipped three grades so I am in the seventh grade now. So I doubt that we would see each other anyways." I signed to Elliott who gives me a smile.

"I knew that you were smart. Now I have to let Grayson know that he was right." Elliott said and I giggled when Mommy walked over to us.

"Elliott, shouldn't you be in your room?" Mommy asked Elliott with a smile that she only gives Addison and I.

"I was just talking to your quiet, pretty and smart daughter Dr. Grey. I've seen her reading and I had to introduce myself." Elliott says, causing a smile to appear on my face.

"That's great Elliott. Maybe if Cordelia comes next week I'll bring her to your room to hang out, but you have to be in your room." Mommy says before Elliott stands up and gives me a smile.

"Nice to meet you Cordelia." Elliott says before leaving and Mommy gives me a smile.

"So my baby has her first crush." Mommy says and I shake my head.

"Just met Elliott today. I do not have a crush. I do not know what that is." I signed to Mommy.

"Just teasing you little one." Mommy responded with a smile.


Meredith's POV

"Hey Meredith!" Addison says as she approaches the picnic table where Cordelia and I sat.

"Hey Addison."

"Everything okay?" Addison asked me with a look of concern on her face.

"No. I'm worried that I harmed a patient's heart because my nail popped out of my glove."

"The important thing is that you caught it in time. Did you tell your supervisors?" Addison asked me and I nodded in response.

"Well Meredith, would you like to go out with me tomorrow? There will be real food, waiters and wine in fancy glasses." Addison says and I looked over at Cordelia who nodded.

"The offer was also for Cordelia. I know she's not comfortable without you yet so we could maybe make it a family thing." Addison said and I couldn't help but smile.

"Of course I'd love to go out with you. Cordelia would like to as well."

"T-Thank y-you M-Mama." Cordelia tells Addison who hugged her in response. Cordelia gets up and runs around the grass with a smile on her face.

"So my friend is having a get together for us to meet her boyfriend. I'm letting you know because I'm going to be late due to dealing with my mother's estate. If Cordelia calls you in a panic because something happened, I was wondering if you could pop by to check on her."

"Of course I will go check on Cordelia." Addison says with a smile on her face.

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