Chapter 02

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I send him off. Just like that.

I wanted to talk more. I do.

But I get tongue-tied every time he's near. Every damn time.

I inhaled sharply.

This has been the first time someone has made me feel this wa. We've never really had any other conversation I can consider long, aside from yesterday.

I don't know.

Maybe he was just trying to be accommodating at the time since he was at my place.

Maybe it was just me doing all the talking at the time. God, I don't know anymore.

I had to move my feet forcefully, not to make myself look more stupid and it would be a bad idea if Manow sees me in that state.

I hate that I would have to explain.

I mean I'd love to tell them about it.

But I don't see what's the point in telling this to them at this time.

There's basically nothing to tell. He just gave me a ride. I said thanks and poof - that's it.

"Hey! Wait!"

I continued walking while I put on my AirPods. I need a breather.


"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I asked. Startled a little bit but I tried to compose myself. I put back my pods inside my bag. "Yes?"

The guy in front of me smiled. If I wasn't too preoccupied I would think he looks nice and neat. His hair is clean-cut. His build is normal, not too muscle-ish, but I could tell he works out.

"I'm sorry this may sound creepy but I was watching you earlier and I got this urge to draw you," he said as he handed me a piece from his sketchbook.

"Oh wow!"

"That's for you!"

"Thank you!" I smiled. "But I need to go. I still have classes though. Thanks for this."

"Can I walk with you?"

There is this part of me that wants to say no since I could use this time alone to think. But I remembered Manow said that I should try to associate myself with people or try to be more open.

I nodded. "Of course. I don't see why not."

I kind of do not want to look pathetic passing by the business department. Who knows who I'll see there?

Why do they have to build the business department near the arts department?

Thanks. I'm Brix by the way. I'm from the architecture dept."

"That explains why you're good at drawing."

I think this is what Manow means. I could use some company too.

"Prem. Fine arts."

He chuckled. "I got humbled. I was supposed to be bragging about my drawing but you're a fine arts student."

This guy's not so bad. He is nice to talk to.

I answered. "Don't say that. Your drawing is good though."

From where we are, I can see the business dept, and across it is the arch dept.

I was fighting the urge not to glance at the business building.

Brix pointed at the nearest stairs. "I'm here. I know this is too sudden. But can I get your number or your socials?"

Brix handed me his phone and I gladly typed in my number. I mean, he seems nice. He has got the looks I admit.

Brix waved his hand before setting off and running upstairs. I assumed he was already late but still took his time to talk and walk with me.

My classes start in 30 minutes and I still have to pass one more building. But the distance from the archi building to the arts building seems longer than it already was.

When I arrived at the building, I saw Boun sitting on of the benches outside. And he's got my mind clouded again.

His back was on me.

I don't plan on talking to him again. I had attempted earlier and I don't want another rejection.


I walk past him and had to clench my fist to stop myself from looking back.


Don't look back.


When I arrive at the classroom, the professor was not there. I was relieved knowing I'm not late considering the distance from the car to the 4th floor of the building.

We waited 20 minutes before the beadle of the class finally announced that the professor will just send activities for us to take home and we'll have our free cut.

I was just listening to my classmates talk about interesting things. I usually don't do the talking but I do like listening to them.

Sometimes they would ask for my opinion when it comes to art projects. But mostly, I just sit there and listen to them talk.

"Oh, my God! Did you see him?"


"The gorgeous guy on the 1st floor."

"Prem, you saw him, right?" Eli asked, my seatmate. She turned to me, waiting for my response.

I don't even know who they are talking about. There were like a bunch of people on the first floor when I walked by. One of them is Boun. But that's not the point.

I nonchalantly said. "I did. He's quite good-looking."

Harriet gasped. "Prem, not quite. He's really good-looking. No, drop-dead gorgeous is the appropriate term."

I chuckled. "I think the term is overreacting right now."

Eli rolled her eyes at me. "That's why you'll never get a girlfriend... Or a boyfriend. Whichever."

I pat her arms. "I could have someone if I wanted to."

Harriet challenged me. "Really? huh?"

With a determined look, I look at both of them. "Really."

"Then get him. I dare you." Eli smirked. "What's his name again? Wait let me ask the class beadle. Leo seems to know him. I saw them talking earlier."

Eli approached Leo and they talked for a while. Eli pointed at me which made Leo laugh or snicker.

Eli came back and pat my arms. "His name's Boun Noppanut."

" you don't have to do this, Prem." Harriet looked at me. "You can still back down, Prem." she laughed. "Eli's crazy. You know that."

Eli laughed. "Yeah, you don't have to do this. But I could be a wing woman so you can finally have the love of your life. I think he looks good. Good for Prem. I don't know. I don't even know that guy. I just know he is handsome, business student, Vice President of the swimming club, and girls worships him. And lastly, he's just not my type."

I shrugged. Like hearing his name didn't have an effect on me.

The truth is, I like him.

But I am scared. I've had enough rejections in this lifetime.

I am scared but I'd still do it anyway.

"I'll do it."


I'll take my chances.

The Heart Wants What It Wants | BounPremWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt