Chaeyoung POV
I barged into Jennie Unnie's room and she was still sulking but when the door opened with force, she jumped up in fear. "Chaeyoung Are you planning to kill me? You're gonna give me a heart attack one of these days" Jennie said as she laid back on her bed. "Unnie Unnie Unnie Unnie Guess what" I said excited. "I really can't" Jennie said defeated. "Oh come on you're no fun. Anyway, Master Taehyung has ordered us to go to the biggest mall in Seoul and give you a wardrobe change!!" I said excitedly and Jennie just stared at me wide eyed and her mouth hanging open. "You're not screaming?" I said sounding kinda disappointed. "WHAT?!?!?!?! HE SAID AND DID WHAT?!?!??!?!?!?!" Jennie shouted. "Now that's the reaction I wanted" I told her. "W-w-what?? B-b-but" She said as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Exactly so grab the opportunity silly" I said taking her two hands in mine. "I'll get you some of my clothes and we can go".  "Wait why is he doing this after he rudely shut me out this morning?" Jennie questioned me while holding my hands. "Well, like I told you one minute he's sweet and the next he's cold. That's just Taehyung" I reassured her. "But also how are we getting there?" Jennie asked me. "Oh I forgot to tell you the best part, Taehyung gave us his unlimited black card plus we're going in his private car with his Private Driver In Gook Doo and his most trusted bodyguard Ahn Min hyuk" I explained and looked like so much for her to take in. "Don't worry. It'd be fun ok? I'll go gran some of my clothes for you then we can go" I said as I left her in the room.
Outfits (Left: Jennie and right: me)

"Wow I've never worn intact and fashionable clothes like this. They so cool and beautiful. I've only seen clothes like these in shops, on the TV and on people on the street. I never imagined once in my life that I would get to wear them" Jennie said looked at herself in the mirror and at me. Everything she said broke my heart into pieces with every syllable. I just gave her a warm back hug "Don't worry Unnie anything you see today automatically becomes yours ok?" I told her. "No. We can just buy 10 outfits and I'll manage with the ones I have." Jennie tried to tell me. "NO UNNIE. You don't have any clothes all that's in that bag of yours is men shirt's and some really old toys. Today WE'LL GET WHATEVER YOU WANT OK?" I said kinda raising my voice at her. "You went through my stuff?" She answered sounded disappointed. "I know it was wrong I shouldn't have done that but I didn't understand why you would ask me for clothes when you brought a bag yourself." I turned her to face me and explained. "I'll think of it as you were just trying to be nice and caring and let it slide" Jennie said while giving me a hug. "By the way, why are there Men shirt's and old toys in your bag?" I asked. "The shirts belong to my Father and those are the old toys he bought for me when I was younger. Those are the only memories I have of him. He left me when I was only a baby" Jennie explained and I tightened the hug. "I'm sorry Unnie I didn't mean to hurt you" I apologized. "It's no big deal. Come on let's go shopping, that's the word right?" Jennie Unnie said. "Yes Unnie. Is this your first time going shopping?" I asked her as we walked down the stairs. "Yep and I'm super excited" She responded with stars in her eyes. We got into the car with Min hyuk sitting opposite us but the car wasn't taking off. "Umm Miss, I am Ahn Min hyuk Personal Bodyguard to Master Taehyung and I have direct orders to blindfold you when you get into the car" Min hyuk said. "Uhhh Hello My name is Kang Jennie and It's ok I understand it's direct orders so do whatever you must" Jennie said in the sweetest voice in the world. Min hyuk himself malfunctioned a little before blindfolding and then we finally drove off. I decided to hold Jennie Unnie's hand and she caressed my hand back with a smile.

Namjoon POV
I received an urgent call from Jimin as he explained everything that happened with the Scarlett Rays and he said we should all meet up at Taehyung's mansion. He sounded way too serious so I rushed there as fast as I could. When I reached Taehyung's home office everyone was already there but what was the strangest was Yoongi hyung in his black silk pyjamas. "Woah Yoongi-ah" I said and Yoongi hyung just shot me a very dark death glare then I just felt the need to shut up. "Those rats are really eating in the wrong farm" Seokjin said. "We need to do something about them. I mean how can they with us this way?" Jungkook added. "You act like you have said anything useful Jungkook" Yoongi said. "Hyung even though you are cranky cuz they woke up from your nice slumber doesn't mean you get to snap at me" Jungkook complained but Yoongi hyung completely ignored him. "Taehyung why did you call us here? Do you have a plan?" I asked. "No I called you all over here cuz I wanted to have a tea party" Taehyung answered sarcastically while turning to look at us averting his gaze from the window. "That's my boy" Yoongi hyung said proudly. "Thanks hyung, Anyway I do have a plan to put a stop to this. Listen very carefully, I read the file about the Scarlett Rats and their history and luckily I found a loop hole. The leader of the Scarlett Rats, Min Eun hyuk has a very precious diamond he values with all his life and would give up anything in the world to keep so my plan is we break in and steal it like the old times" Taehyung explained and we all looked at him like we wanted to kill him. "Taehyung, WE ARE MAFIA LEADERS AND YOU WANT US TO STEAL A DIAMOND KEPT IN THE ENEMY'S DEN LIKE CAT BURGLARS?!?!?!?" Jin shouted asked. "Yes hyung" Taehyung simply replied. "We are not in the old times Taehyung think reasonably" I told him. "He messed with the BULLETPROOF MAFIAS it's his fault and he deserves whatever is coming to him" Taehyung said as calmly as possible. "But hyungs, Taehyung hyung is right if we do this it will assert our dominance over them. Think about it, I mean If we do steal his prized diamond obviously he will be scared and freaked out and that will teach him never to mess with us again." Jungkook explained. "Thank you Jungkook, The only person who ever understands me" Taehyung said. "Then what about me aren't we soulmates?" Jimin said cutely. "No we're not and first of all, I hate you, second of all I don't even know why I still know you. I should have sent an assassin after you" Taehyung said with 0 emotions in his voice nor eyes. "Hyung, you see how he's being so mean to me. Hyung!" Jimin whined to Hoseok who was just deep in thoughts. "Ah yeah, Yoongi stop spoiling Taehyung" Hoseok tried to fix the issue. "It's not me, The kid has surpassed the Master" Yoongi said. "I still wonder how we 7 are the Kings of the Mafia World" I questioned myself. "Anyway, Taehyung how are we going to get in? The place must be heavily guarded and secured so I don't think we'll get in so easily" Seokjin asked. "Oh So very easily" Taehyung said mischievously as he pulled up a book from his desk drawer and opened it. "As you can see, I sent a spy to map out his whole mansion in advance just in case. Looks like it finally came in handy" Taehyung said with a smirk. "So here's how it's gonna go down, Tomorrow night all Eun Hyuk's daughter's will be coming home to visit their father they do it every year according to the month. Last year they came in May obviously this year they are coming this June and because of the arrival of his daughters all the guards are going to be confused and alert at the same time which is not preferable to stand guard so any little thing can set them of like a ticking time bomb, Jimin and Jungkook will distract the guards by firing at the North wall and the entrance is at the South so it will automatically cause the guards to rush and check because around 7:45pm the guards at the North wall change shifts so only the guards at the South wall will be able to check the situation. Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung will be our eyes ahead they'll be communicating with us through earpieces while hacking into Eun Hyuk's systems and cameras. They'll guide and give us the safest route to go. Namjoon hyung will be the back-up for this mission if any help is needed he'll rush in and he'll mainly be with me. Hoseok hyung will be in charge of blending in with the guards in case of any backfire you'll slow down the guards, meaning he'll be in disguise with the guards. I will sneak in the mansion probably through the vents and open it at the room where the diamond is hidden. Take the diamond and leave a note the we leave. So far any questions?" Taehyung asked and we were all dumbfounded at how well he mapped it out. "Taehyung-ah Teach us your ways" Hoseok hyung said surprised and Taehyung just chuckled and smirked. "Don't worry hyung. Everything will work out according to plan. Since there are no further questions. Meeting dismissed!" Taehyung said as he sat down gathering the files on his table. "Where is Seojun?" I asked him. "On his day off, I can't over work the man Can I? Plus he's my senior I have to give him some space and respect" Taehyung said putting all the files in his desk drawers. "If this meeting is over, Goodbye I have sleep to catch up on which Taehyung and Jimin rudely woke me up from" Yoongi hyung said glaring darkly at the 95'z liners. "I woke you up nicely but you didn't want to wake up so I called Taehyung and told him obviously he was the one who dragged you out of bed" Jimin defended himself. Yoongi just angrily left the room because he knew he could never argue with Taehyung none of us can except Jimin who bickers once in a while. "Hey Tae?" Jimin said. "What?" Taehyung replied coldly. "Where's Chaeyoung and Jennie?" Jimin asked and Taehyung paused for a while. "Out shopping" Taehyung responded. "Hmmm?" Jimin pretended not to hear. "I know you heard me" Taehyung replied typing on his laptop. "I mean I mean h-h-how are they sh-shopping?" Jimin stammered a little. "I gave Chaeyoung my credit card" Taehyung replied not taking his eyes off the computer screen. "WHAT?!?!?!!?!" Jimin shouted "You're too loud. Shut up" Taehyung said as calmly as possible. "Since when are you so kind? You've never even wished me a happy birthday" Jimin stood up complaining. "Oh is that the problem? Then happy birthday Jimin" Taehyung said looking at Jimin for a millisecond. "It's not even my birthday!!! Hyungs!! are you seeing this? Do you see how badly he treats me?" Jimin said to us. "Come on Taehyung go easy on him" Hoseok said. "Why should Taehyung go easy on Jimin when Jimin is the one constantly annoying Taehyung almost every minute of the day" Jin told Hoseok. "But hyung, Jimin is just a kid" Hoseok replied. "Yeah a kid who's older than Taehyung but Taehyung acts more maturely" Jin said and Taehyung immediately replied "Thank you hyung" earning a wink from Jin. "Simply put there both immature kids" I added. "But Jimin hyung you know Taehyung hyung he's a man of little words and short sentences then why do you always try to have a long conversation with him?" Jungkook asked. "Because I'm older than him" Jimin said. "You sure don't act like it?" Jungkook said leaving a dead shocked Jimin. "Finally, even the youngest maknae is disciplining you. Are you ashamed?" Jimin slams his hand on Taehyung's desk "How and Why did you let them go?" Jimin kinda shouted asked. "Easy Chaeyoung asked me and I agreed." Taehyung replied. "You little punk" Jimin said as he finally sat down holding his head in pain. "You did that to yourself" Taehyung added "Shut up" Jimin quickly said and Taehyung chuckled not taking his eyes off his computer.

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