♡ Chapter 6 ♡

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Y/n was walking to the school again. Today, she felt something weird. From the moment she walked into the school, she felt like someone was following her. Y/n just ignored it as always, thinking it was her bullies.

Y/N always arrived at school early, wanting to avoid people as much as possible. So when y/n walked to her class, she was the only one there. She sat at her desk and pulled a book from her bag to read. But then the same tattooed, weird guy who keeps staring at her all the time walked in and took the seat behind her. Y/n didn't pay much attention as she drowned among the words of her novel.

But the weird guy who sat behind y/n was in a whole dream world while staring at her. He placed his elbow on his desk and placed his chin on his hand. Y/n sweet smell filled his head, making him feel dizzy and drunk. "So beautiful," he thought while staring at his mate, who was covering almost every inch of her body with a baggy hoodie.

"You're so whipped," his wolf snorted inside his head. "Thank God you are using your brain now." His inner wolf kept mocking him. Jungkook ignored him and continued to stare at y/n while admiring her. Well, yes, he can't see what y/n really looks like. But for some reason, she was so beautiful in his eyes. His heart told him that his mate was stunning in every way. Yesterday, their homeroom teacher complimented her, telling that her essay was perfect, "she must be really smart." Jungkook's heart filled with pride.

"You are so in love with her, master," his wolf interrupted him once again. "You keep thinking about her all the time now." it said further. "So what? She is mine any ways." Jungkook barked back to his wolf. "Yeah, but you better make a move fast. Can't you smell the scent of another male wolf in her?" his wolf said, making Jungkook's eyes widen. He started to sniff around. He felt his heart break into millions of pieces when he felt an unfamiliar pheromones of a male wolf in her. It was barely there; a normal wolf wouldn't even notice it, but his true blood alpha wolf could sense it. Maybe she bumped into a werewolf while she was walking to class. He tried to make up his mind while considering other things that could happen. Jungkook lifted his head and looked back at his mate, wishing she would turn around and look at him just once. But luck wasn't on his side, and Jungkook heard his inner wolf whimpering, longing for his mate's attention.

The time passed, and the bell rang, making all the students come to the class room. And the class went on as usual. And Jungkook continued to stare at y/n as usual. Jungkook didn't even try to hide the fact that he was staring at her. Even the students in his class noticed how he stared at y/n shamelessly. The girls also started to whisper to each other; they felt envy because Jungkook never paid much attention to other people than his hyungs. They tried to get this handsome guy's attention for years; they bet that he didn't even know that they existed in this world; but now he was staring at the new girl who came to the school a few weeks ago without even blinking.


The bell rang for the lunch break, and all the students started walking to the cafeteria. Y/n was usually the last one to leave class, but today the true blood patiently waited until his mate gathered her belongings and exited the classroom. Jungkook followed her to the cafeteria. When they both entered the cafeteria, all the students stared at them for a few seconds before starting to whisper with each other. Hating the attention, y/n walked to an empty table in the corner. Jungkook sighed and walked to the table where his hyungs were sitting. Jungkook didn't give a sh*t about the attention he got because he was used to it. And the only thing he wanted to do was take care of his first priority, which was his mate. Protecting his mate was the only thing on his mind. He won't let anyone even touch his mate. No one will bully her.


The rumor of y/n getting Jungkook's attention spread across the school faster than a wild horse. Kang Nara felt blood boiling inside her body when she heard that Jungkook was giving his attention to someone other than her. She was walking to the cafeteria with her two friends while her fanboys followed her.

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