The Enduring Prison Sacrament...

Start from the beginning

I began to think for ideas. I strained my brain for hours and hours but in vain. My thinking procedure turned to hopeful thoughts. My thoughts led to decrease in my hopes to escape. Hopelessness made me feel despair. Despair eventually led me into thinking of pessimistic thoughts of dying and loneliness. The human cognition.....such a  mysterious thing. It has the ability of change destinies and life. It possesses the ability to change the tides of reality. It could be used to create and develop to heights which no other creature could achieve. But... it could also destroy and demolish and create terror and fright. This thinking ability is a very delicate thing. One wrong move and its all over. At that time, it was destroying me and creating me into an empty monster. 

Many days passed, I grew a beard, my hands and body were weak as I had thought of dying of hunger. So I stopped ordering for food and water but the knight brought me food and water without any order. I tried to resisting but I was not sure how long I could keep this up. I had gone crazy. Laughing for no reason at all, mocking my boss and colleagues, cursing the wall for no reason at all and what not! This was mental torture. Keeping a man alive even if didn't want to live anymore! At that moment, when I was at the brink of extinction, I slipped of the slab,which had served as my bed for a while, and landed on the ground foremost. When I was rising myself, I hit my head on the slab and the most miraculous event occurred. I noticed an uprising!

I smacked my head again and again. 
"How could you John?! How could you forget to check under the slab. And you call yourself a forensic scientist!" I scolded and scoffed at myself.
Quickly ,with all the remaining energy I had, removed the covering and found a knife in it! I was saved! With the knife, the torch and many Mashak's, given by the knight during my hunger and thirst strike ( I seriously don't know where did it get so much of them ) I carved a long whip like structure. Then I had enough food to regain my strength ( I also don't know who had cooked that many bread ) after which I called the knight again and again and tried to grab the key chain. After an hour, I was finally able to obtain the two keys along with the belt! I opened the cell from one of the key and was finally free of the confined cell but not the prison. I kept the knife and keys, just in case, and exited the cell.

I ran in the corridor towards one side. As I ran, I noticed there was no one except me and some dead corpses in the other cells ,which I noticed vaguely at the time, showing there had been others in there but were unable to escape the prison. I ran and ran but it seemed endless. For hours I kept running in corridor until I noticed I was running in circles as after a while I found my cell. I now knew this prison was a big circle as there were no other turns. This time I started walking round the prison and trying to observe any vague clues and also the corpses.  I noticed that bricks on the wall were not placed properly and gates of the prison loosely placed. But, examination led to the most queerest thing which I had ever noticed. Some prison cells had bones in them ,as I mentioned earlier, but they were unearthly bones. By the looks of it, there were many OTHER creatures in there. Some bones were longer and thicker than femur in the human body. Some bones contained an aura like fluid unlike the tissue present in the human body. Other thing which I noticed was that each and every skull or skull like bone which I could find had a very big cut. It was shallow from one end but got deeper as I examined the further but not enough to pierce it. Other than these, there wasn't anything peculiar. 

Just as I was examining some other skulls to reach a conclusion, I heard a clanking noise. I though was curious from where it came but I thought that it would be better to go inside my cell. So, I ran towards my cell as fast as I could. The noise was approaching nearer and nearer, hence as soon as I reached my cell, I closed it with the help of the key and hid it with the knife inside the slab . Luckily, I was successfully but was confused when I saw the machine , instead of another creature or man as I had expected,  looking towards me idly. It neither had a Mashak nor bread. It stared at me for a while and left into the abyss of the corridor. This incident got me thinking. If I didn't call him and it wasn't here to give me food or water, then why did he come? What was its reason? I sat there for a while thinking and then it hit me. I formulated a theory as to why this happened. I reasoned that it might have suspected the missing key or was sent by someone ,who might be controlling it,  to find the lost key. As I was the only prisoner, it had come there to examine me. It did so, I guess, by starring at me and finding nothing, went off. This theory, led me to as to why the skulls were scratched! It was a blow that might have killed them , I theorised that this blow, If I was correct and was very much sure that it was, was from none other than the monstrous machine! 

I deduced this because the only heavy and sharp object was it's arm. As soon as I realised this, I could feel my heart beating loudly. Sweat started dripping. I realised that I could die at any moment. Before, I wasn't worried as I thought it was there just there to observe and give me food and not as a killer machine. I was panicking from the inside as if I had only a few seconds to live. But, I knew panicking won't get me anywhere so I calmed myself down. I wasn't going to give up without knowing what happened to me in the previous encounter which was my ultimate source of courage. I pulled myself together and starting to find a way out. This is what I thought: 

 1. The Facts:
        (a) Loose bricks
        (b) Easily removed gates
        (c) A machine with the intent to kill me if I dare to leave this place.
        (d) Broken skulls, some filled with aura and some deformed, long and never seen before.
        (e) Prison is big and circular
 2. Equipment:
       (a) Whip like object I made
       (b) Knife
     As mentioned above,  A machine that could think or do as directed and will kill me if it suspects me.Remnants showing other creatures exist and have strange body anatomy. Prison is big and circular showing that the prisoner is first kept to suffer and then left to die, kind of like mental torture, thus escaping it must and that there are no visible exists. Loose bricks show that one could easily escape by breaking the walls of the prison, thus the reason of keeping the prisoner in a cell even if the prison is inescapable due to its structure. Gates are loosened showing that other creatures tried to escape using the gate but were unsuccessful.
4. The Plan:
     First, remove the gate from the hinge. This would surely bring the machine. As soon as, it comes nearer I would push the gate down on it and shut it down with the left out water or the knife. As soon as that occurs, I would use the gate to break the wall. Gate is as large as the machine and heavy enough to break a poorly made prison wall but light enough so that I could lift it. 

Now.... I was ready with the equipment and the plan. It was time to place it into action. But little did I expect my plan to derail a little and thus almost causing my death!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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